The American Revolution-Section 1 Quiz

Tax on printed materials imposed on American colonists by Parliament

G. Stamp Act

Virginia representative who argued for more radical opposition to Parliament

H. Patrick Henry

Groups that formed after the Boston Massacre to promote colonial unity

B. Committees of Correspondence

Conflict in which occupying British soldiers killed five protesting colonists

C. Boston Massacre

Incident in which colonists destroyed cargo to protest British trade policies

E. Boston Tea Party

Meeting at which colonhial delegates formed plans to boycott all British goods

D. First Continental Congress

American colonists valued which British principle of government?

B. The right to representation

What was one effect of new British taxes on colonists?

C. Outraged colonists protested the new taxes

Which of the following groups led violent protests against British taxation in the colonies?

A. Sons of Liberty

Which of the following resulted from the First Continental Congress?

B. More colonists became politically active