Revolutionary War

The colonists modeled their government on the government of

Great Britain

In what way did each colony's government mirror the government of Britain?

Each had a two-house legislature.

Which of the following groups led violent protests against British taxation in the colonies?

Sons of Liberty

What was one effect of New British taxes on colonists>

Outraged colonists protested the new taxes.

One British principle of government valued by the American colonists was the

right to pay no tax unless it was levied by their own representatives.

Colonists opposed new British taxes by protesting violently and

writing defiant pamphlets.

What incident led Parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townshend Acts?

The Boston Massacre

Which of the following was a consequence of the First Continental Congress?

More colonists became politically active.

Fighting began in Lexington and Concord when British troops

came to arrest colonial leaders and take colonial weapons.

The American Revolution began when shots were fired at


Which of the following describes Loyalists?

They thought Patriots were too radical.

According to the Declaration of Independence, where does a government's power come from?

The consent of the governed.

Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Why did Thomas Paine's Common Sense inspire colonists?

Paine talked about opportunities for the common man.

The Declaration of Independence was written to

declare independence from the British king.

One of the Patriot's greatest strengths was their

persistence in fighting.

Which of the following advantages was held by the British at the beginning of the war?

The British army had more weapons and ships than the Continental Army.

In which state was the Battle of Trenton fought?

New Jersey

What is one effect of the battles fought on the western frontier during the American Revolution?

Hostility between white settlers and Native Americans deepened.

Battles on the frontier took place mostly between

Native Americans and Patriots

Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill considered a Patriot victory?

The British lost twice as many troops as did the Patriots.

The Patriots began to hope they could win the war after the Battle of


The French made an open alliance with the United States following

the Patriot victory at Saratoga.

After British forces started losing battles in the South, neutral colonists reacted by

supporting the Patriots.

Spanish attacks on British forts in the South

drew British troops away from battles with the Patriots.

Which of the following contributed to the defeat of British troops in the South?

British troops lost interest in the war.

The Treaty of Paris of 1783

ceded far more territory to the United States than the colonies had won in the war.

As a result of the Revolution, women in America

gained respect.

After the Revolution, the practice of enslaving African Americans was

eliminated in the North.

In what way did the American Revolution affect other countries?

Other republican groups fought to overthrow aristocratic governments.

In what ways did the American Revolution affect Native Americans?

They lost large amounts of land.

Why did slavery continue after the Revolution?

The Southern plantation economy depended on slavery.

With the help from the French, the war ended at the Battle of
