Unit 3 Organizer: The New Nation, 1783�1800

Articles of Confederation

The first written constitution of the United States, superseded by the Constitution in 1788. From the beginning of the American Revolution, Congress felt the need for a stronger union and a government powerful enough to defeat Great Britain.

reason for the Land Ordinance of 1785

ordinance was to raise money through the sale of land in the largely unmapped territory west of the original states acquired after the end of the Revolutionary War in the 1783 Treaty of Paris

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

set procedures for dividing the land into territories..

Shays' Rebellion

an uprising ...farmers protest which caused panic dismay throughout the nation...started in Massachusetts.


a new form of legislation that replaced the articles of confederation.

Great Compromise

Roger Sherman from Connecticut suggested _____ which offered two-house Congress to stratify both small and big states

Separation of powers

to protect the rights of each state and also grant some power exclusively to the national government.(three branches of gov.)

Checks and balances

to prevent one branch from dominating the others

Limited government

the idea that the new government should be limited in their powers.

Three-fifths compromise

how slaves are to be counted as population

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

Anti-Federalist objections to the Constitution/Federalist defenses of the Constitution

Federalist Papers

a series of 85 essays defending the constitution

Bill of Rights

Anti federalists argued that the constitution was weak and needed a national ________

George Washington

reluctantly accepted the unanimous choice to be the first President

Thomas Jefferson

Secretary of State

Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of Treasure

Hamilton's financial plan

manage the country's debt and establish a national banking system

Whiskey Rebellion

was the milestone in the consolidation of federal power in domestic affairs.

Farewell Address

George Washington's speech giving advice to the nation as his term ended.

John Adams

leader of federalist party and second u.s president.


the act of coercing someone into government service

XYZ Affair

when three French officials demanded a bribe to speak with French ministers.

Midnight appointments

the act of putting a person into a non-elective position

Marbury v Madison

when an obscure Federalist, William Marbury, was designated as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. Marbury and several others were appointed to government posts created by Congress in the last days of John Adams's presidency.

Political parties

groups of politicians that believe in different methods of governing.


supporters of a strong national government and a loose interpretation of the constitution.


republicans supporting strong state governments and supported France.

Define Republic:

government in which citizens rule through their elected representatives.

In what state did some women (property owners) have the right to vote until 1807?

New Jersey

Republican Motherhood" expected women to raise the next generation of patriots by:

upholding the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation

Which act of Congress established the system of surveying western lands?

...land ordinance of 1785

Which act of Congress established the procedure for the admission of new states?

...northwest ordinance of 1787

Why didn't the national government during the Articles of Confederation era repay the national debt created during the Revolution?

...national government under the articles was unable to collect any revenue from the states.

What European nation, in 1784, refused to allow Americans to use the port of New Orleans?


Why were Daniel Shays and the other Massachusetts farmers rebelling in 1786 - 1787?

...they felt they were victims of unfair taxation

Why did some states object to Madison's Virginia Plan?

...it favors large states

The New Jersey Plan was favored by which group of states?

...small states

Which agreement solved the problems presented by the Virginia and New Jersey plans?

...the great compromise

What compromise was agree to in order to solve the issue of counting slaves for representation and taxation?

...the three-fifths compromise

A federal government divides powers between:

...national government and state government

Which level of government controls "reserved" powers?

...state level of government

Which group is responsible for electing the president and vice - president?

...electoral college

Which group favored the ratification of the Constitution?


What was the primary complaint of the Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

...gave central government to much power

When did the Constitution become a reality?

...June 1788

Identify three groups of Americans whose rights were no protected by the Bill of Rights:

...native Americans,slaves

Who was unanimously elected by the Electoral College as the first President of the United States?

...George Washington

What act of Congress establish the federal courts?

...judiciary act

What are the president's chief advisors called (collectively)?

the cabinet

Which cabinet officer favored a strong central government ruled by the upper class?

Alexander Hamilton

Which cabinet officer distrusted a strong central government and favored stronger state and local governments?

Thomas Jefferson

Why did many Southerners dislike Hamilton's plan for the national government to assume state debts?

they feared the return of taxes

Who came up with the idea of creating The Bank of the United States?

alexander hamilton

Why was the national capital moved from New York City to a new city (named Washington) along the bank of the Potomac River?

The site of the new capital was the product of political compromise. As part of the struggle over Hamilton's financial policy, Congress supported the Bank of the United States which would be headquartered in Philadelphia. In exchange the special District

What two political parties came into existence during the presidency of George Washington?

...democrats and republicans

Most producers of whiskey were:


What was the position of George Washington regarding war between France and Great Britain?


Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 was an agreement between the USA and what European power?


The Battle of Fallen Timbers gave the USA control of what present day state?


In what way was the election of 1796 seen as a sign of sectionalism?

government officials became more divided in political parties.

The XYZ Affair involved the USA and what European nation?


The Alien and Sedition Acts were adopted by Congress in an attempt to weaken which political party?


Who wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

Land Ordinance of 1785

The land west of the Appalachian Mountains, north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River was to be divided into ten separate states.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787 set requirements

for admission of new state

ten amendments to the constitution

Bill Of Rights

excise tax

tax on products that caused the whiskey rebellion