Unit 11

Nixon was known for him

Unswerving loyalty and support

What did president Nixon do to try to halt the inflating plaguing the country?

He imposed a short term freeze on wages, prices, and rents

OPEC's 1973 embargo on shipping oil to the United States resulted in

Higher inflation and another recession at home

Henry Kissinger served President Nixon as

National security advisor

In foreign affairs, perhaps Nixon's greatest accomplishment was

Bringing about d�tente with the Soviet Union and with China

During his trip to Moscow, Nixon sought to

Improve relations between two superpowers

What did SALT I prove to the world?

That the superpowers could reach agreements limiting nuclear arms

Why did the Watergate break-in occur?

The Committee to Reelect the President wanted to wiretap the Democratic National Committee

As the evidence mounted against him, Nixon

Resigned from office

Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon because

He thought it was the right thing to do

In 1975, when Ford asked for military aid to try to save South Vietnam, Congress

Used the War Powers Act to say no

President Ford faced an economy with rising inflation and unemployment. This economic phenomenon is known as


Jimmy Carter won the 1976 election by presenting himself as

A Washington outsider

President Carter assumed the role of peacemaker to negotiate which of the following between Israel and Egypt.

Camp David Accords

Carter outdid previous administrations in the number of

Women and minorities he appointed

In dealing with Congress, Carter and his staff

Lacked experience

What cause was promoted by some groups within the New Right?

Christian values

Reagan began his political career by winning election as

Governor of California

One major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan's defeat of President Carter in 1980 was

The hostage crisis in Iran

The Reagan administration rapidly increased spending on

The American military

President Reagan's economic problem was based on the theory of

Supply-side economics

To defend American interests in the Cold War, Reagan

Ordered a huge military buildup

Reagan's foreign policy called for

Taking an active role against communism

What distinction did Sandra Day O'Connor achieve in 1981?

She became the first female Justice of the U.S Supreme Court

How did the Soviets policies of perestroika and glasnost help bring and end to the Cold War?

They helped cause the fall of Communist regiments in Eastern Europe

During Reagan's second term, American relations with the Soviet Union

Improved greatly

The signing of arms-control treaties between the United States and the Soviet Union signaled the end

The Cold War

Bush won the presidency in part by

Attacking Michael Dukakis's record on crime.

The Persian Gulf War began when Saddam Hussein

Invaded Kuwait

What was a major reason that President George Bush responded forcefully to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait?

He wanted to protect the flow of oil to the West