US History Regents

Geographic factor that influenced the location of the first English settlements in North America?

Rivers along the Atlantic coast

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were significant because

they placed limits on the powers of the government

The Declaration of Independence contains a

statement of grievances against the King of England

Events in the correct chronological order?

French and Indian War ? passage of Stamp Act ? Battle of Saratoga ? inauguration of George Washington

Critics of the Articles of Confederation argued that it

placed too much power in the hands of the states

The Great Compromise enabled delegates at the Constitutional Convention (1787) to

protect the interests of states with small populations and states with large populations

Which presidential action is an example of the use of the unwritten constitution?

Ordering the navy to patrol the Persian Gulf

The major benefit of the elastic clause

It allows the government to respond to changing conditions

How did Alexander Hamilton's financial plan affect the economy of the United States during the 1790s?

The newly created Bank of the United States helped stabilize the economy.

One result of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the United States

Gained control of the port of New Orleans

The decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was significant because

It established that the Supreme Court could declare a federal law unconstitutional

The constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the Civil War concerned the right of states to

Secede from the Union

Which group benefited most directly from the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)?

slave owners

Factors encouraging westward settlement

A. California Gold Rush (1849), B. Homestead Act (1862) and C. Completion of transcontinental railroad (1869)

How the status of African Americans in the South changed after the end of Reconstruction in 1877?

African Americans faced increasing discrimination and segregation.

The theory of laissez-faire economics was used during the late 1800s to

justify unregulated business growth

Which speaker's statement is most directly related to the political concepts of initiative, referendum, and recall?

The best way to prevent corruption in government is to allow citizens a direct role in the legislative process.

Two speakers' viewpoints reflect actions taken by Theodore Roosevelt when he was president (1901-1909)?

Breaking up trusts and monopolies will increase business competition. An important goal of the federal government should be the protection of our natural resources.

muckraker used in the early 1900s

Writers who exposed abuses in American society

In the early 1900s, the United States proposed the Open Door policy to

secure access to markets in China

Argument Opposing Imperialism

A. No government without consent of the governed, B. High cost of defending territories outside the United States, C. United States tradition of noninvolvement

The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 to

regulate the nation's money supply

The first labor strike to end with the president intervening on behalf of the workers?

1902 Anthracite Coal Strike

The Red Scare, the passing of the Quota Acts, and the growth of the Ku Klux Klan were similar because

They exploited fears about people who were considered un-American

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) were created to

protect individual investors from stock fraud and bank failure

Senator Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, and Father Charles Coughlin are best known as

outspoken critics of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal

The "cash and carry" policy and the Lend-Lease Act were used by the United States to

provide support for the Allies in World War II without entering the war

President Franklin D. Roosevelt referred to December 7, 1941, as "a date which will live in infamy" because on that day

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

In Korematsu v. United States (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the military order excluding Japanese Americans from the West Coast on the basis that the action was considered

a matter of national security

A major goal of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society program was to

eliminate poverty

42 "...if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"� President Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987

President Reagan was calling for the end of the division of Berlin, Germany

47 What was the central issue in both the John Peter Zenger case (1734-1735) and the controversy over the Pentagon Papers (1971)?

freedom of the press

48 "Convention Meets at Seneca Falls" "19th Amendment Ratified" "Betty Friedan Organizes National Organization for Women" What do these headlines mean?

The struggle for women's rights has spanned many decades.

The Hayes-Tilden election of 1876 and the Bush-Gore election of 2000 are similar because in each election the winner was

elected without a majority of the popular vote

Theodore Roosevelt mediates adoption of the Treaty of Portsmouth. Richard Nixon visits China. Bill Clinton supports peace accords in Northern Ireland. These actions are examples of various presidents acting as

chief diplomat

The original settlements in the thirteen British colonies were all located east of the Appalachian Mountains

East of the Appalachian Mountains

A main reason large plantations developed in the South during the colonial period?

The coastal plain in the South contained large areas of fertile soil.

The British colonial policy of mercantilism

Raw materials from the colonies were shipped to England.

In colonial America, the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact, and town hall meetings were all developments that led to the

creation of representative government

During the early 1770s, how did the British government respond to increasing American protests of British colonial policy?

It increased efforts to maintain order and enforce laws.

Which constitutional principle best protects the public from abuse by one branch of government?

checks and balances

A bicameral legislature is created in which states have equal representation in the Senate, but representation in the House depends on population. An enslaved person is counted as three-fifths of one person for purposes of both representation and taxation

compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention

Many critics of the Electoral College system point out that it

Might not select the candidate with the largest number of popular votes

The establishment of judicial review in Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave federal courts the authority to

Decide whether a law is constitutional

A major reason for purchasing the Louisiana Territory (1803) was to

Secure control of the port of New Orleans

In the 1840s, President James K. Polk's belief in Manifest Destiny led to

A war with Mexico Caribbean

The principle of popular sovereignty was an important part of the

Kansas-Nebraska Act

A primary reason for the passage of the 14th

amendment in 1868 to guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slaves

After the Civil War, white Southern landowners used sharecropping to

maintain a cheap labor supply

An opinion related to United States immigration?

The use of a quota system is the best way to address the issues of immigration. Today's immigrants took too many jobs away from those who were born in America.

The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) affected African Americans by

upholding racial segregation

The explosion of the USS Maine and the practice of yellow journalism played a significant role in the

public's support for the Spanish-American War

President Theodore Roosevelt's conservation efforts were influenced by a desire to

protect natural resources for the future

The actions of muckrakers in the late 19th century and early 20th century resulted in

government regulation of unfair business

The United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles after World War I because many senators believed

the League of Nations could draw the United States into future wars

One feature of the United States economy during the 1920s that contributed to the Great Depression.

expansion of easy credit

Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, and Bessie Smith are most closely associated with efforts to

promote the cultural identity of African Americans through the arts

A factor contributed most to the repeal of national Prohibition in 1933

the inability of government to enforce the law

Banning loans to nations at war. Prohibiting the sale of armaments to nations at war. Limiting travel by United States citizens on ships of belligerent nations. These governmental actions of the 1930s were similar in that each was intended to

keep the United States out of international conflicts

The major reason for President Harry Truman's decision to use atomic bombs against Japan was the

potential loss of American lives from an invasion of Japan

This agreement made at the Potsdam Conference led directly to the

trials in Nuremberg, Germany

Which factor directly contributed to the growth of suburban communities after World War II?

Returning veterans created a demand for housing.

Which event marked the beginning of the space race with the Soviet Union?

launch of Sputnik

Which action by the federal government would Jackie Robinson most likely have supported to achieve his stated goals?

Faster implementation of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

When Jackie Robinson mentions President Dwight D. Eisenhower's experience with Governor Faubus, he is referring to the action the president took in

Sending federal troops to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas

A major goal of the Great Society programs begun under President Lyndon B. Johnson was to

reduce poverty in the nation

Passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) improved conditions for the disabled by

mandating easier access to employment and public facilities

Which development led to the other three?

September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States

Battle of Saratoga (1777), Battle of Gettysburg (1863), and Battle of Midway (1942). One way in which these battles are similar is that in each battle

A United States victory was a turning point in the war

What accounts for the changes that took place in the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives between 1900 and 2000?

The population in certain regions grew more quickly than in other regions.

A valid generalization about presidential elections since 1960 is that

Candidates have used new forms of mass media to reach voters

During the Great Depression of the 1930s and the economic crisis of 2008-2010, the federal government initiated reforms in the banking system to

strengthen federal control over the financial system