Chapter 25-The Conservative Tide

why Ronald Reagan elected

nationed had turned to CONSERVATISM

entitlement programs

government programs giving benefits to particular groups

New Right

an alliance of conservative special interest groups - fought government regulation

reverse discrimination

laws which gave minorities opportunities in education or employment - it was seen as discrimination against white people-especially white men

conservative coalition

an alliance of conservative groups

what the conservative coalition wanted

end to big government, end to entitlements, end to busing and affirmative action to correct segregation, return to traditional moral standards

Moral Majority

religious conservatives who interpreted the Bible literally and believed in absolute standards of right and wrong

4 goals of strong conservative movement

1. shrinking federal government 2. promoting traditional morals 3. stimulating business by lowering taxes 4. strengthening national defense

1980 Republican nominee

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan chose ________for VP

George Bush

1980 Presidential election

Ronald Reagan - George Bush won

appeal of Ronald Reagan

thanks to acting career, he was relaxed, charming, affable, skill at simplifying issues- he was known as the (Great Communicator), commitment to military and economic strength


Reagan's economic policy- called for reduction in income taxes for individuals and a big reduction in government spending

supply-side economics

cutting taxes, which would give people incentives to work, save and invest


Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) - a defense system that would keep Americans safe from enemy missiles

two weapon systems brought back by Reagan

B-1 bomber and the MX missile

a revived American economy

consumers went on a spending spree, inflation dropped, interest rates fell, stock market soared

Reagan had to raise taxes

national debt climbed, trade imbalance

trade imbalance

nation was importing more goods than it was exporting (meant American dollars were going to other countries)

most important way Reagan promoted traditional values and morality

through his appointments to the Supreme Court

Sandra Day O'Connor

conservative judge appointed by Reagan; first woman appointed to Supreme Court

William Rehnquist

conservative judge appointed by Reagan

President Bush appointees to Supreme Court

conservative David H. Souter conservative Clarence Thomas

Anita Hill

a law professor who testified that Clarence Thomas has sexually harassed her - Thomas won Senate approval by a vote of 52-48

conservative changes to Supreme Court

restricted woman's right to abortion, restrictions on civil rights, narrowed rights of arrested persons

Reagan reduced size and power of Federal government

cut back on Federal regulation of industry- removed price control on oil and gas, eliminated federal inspections of nursing homes, deregulated airline industry

results of Reagan's reduction of Fed government

lower prices for consumer

Savings and Loan industry

deregulated under the Reagan administration; some lost a lot of money as economy slowed down

the Environment

Reagan cut budge of EPA, Environmental Protection Agency (more oil and gas drilling, timber cutting) Reagan opposed federal intervention to preserve environment

1984 Presidential Election

Republicans - Reagan and Bush BEAT - Democrats - Mondale and GERALDINE FERRARO (from NY)

Geraldine Ferraro

first woman on a major party's presidential ticket

1988 Presidential Election

Republican George Bush BEAT Democrat George Dukakis

why Bush won

voters saw little reason for change


acquired immune deficiency syndrome - virus that destroys body's immune system (transmitted by body fluids and blood)

pro-choice groups

against abortion - believed life begins at conception

Webster vs. Reproductive Health Care Services

put restrictions on abortion

Rust vs. Sullivan

federal gov could prevent doctors in gov sponsored clinics from providing women with info about abortion

measures to reduce drug abuse

random drug testing - law cut off college loans and public housing for marijuana users - military patrolled borders to prevent drug smuggling, Nancy Reagan "Just Say No

President Bush anti-drug measures

called for War on Drugs - law enforcement stopping drugs at border, death penalty for drug dealers

Education measures

building of new schools, reading and writing skills promoted, national achievement tests

Urban crisis

families left city for - homes outside city, malls, better schools - they took jobs and tax revenues with them

Equal Rights struggle

ERA went down in defeat so women concentrated on running for office

pay equity

a proposal that jobs would be rated on the basis of: amount of education required, amount of physical strength needed, number of people supervised

L. Douglas Wilder

1990-nation's first African-American governor (Virginia)

Jesse Jackson

African-American who ran for Dem. presidential nom in 1984 and 1988

affirmative action limited

by Supreme Court

fastest growing minority


Selena Quintanilla-Perez

Latina singer murdered

debate over bilinguialism

Bilingualism Education Act of 1968 allowed Spanish speakers to go to school and vote in own language

opponents of bilingualism

argued is slowed rate at which Spanish-speaking people entered mainstream American life; feared nation would be split into English and non-English speakers

Native Americans

Reagan administration slashed aid to Native Americans; they won a ruling to have gambling on reservation lands

Asian Americans

second fastest-growing minority

gays and lesbians

26 states reduced criminal penalites for homosexual relations; Bush increased funding for AIDS research ; some states outlawed discrimination against gays.

Mikhail Gorbachev

1985-general secretary of the Communist party in the Soviet Union

Gorbachev initiates reform

initiated peace talks with US to lessen Cold War tensions

INF Treaty

Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty -treaty signed in 1987 - eliminated 2 classes of weapons systems in Europe, allowed each nation to make on-site inspections of the other's military installations.


Gorbachev advocated this - it means openness in discussing social problems


Gorbachev advocated this - it means economic and bureaucratic restructuring in the Soviet Union (he restored private ownership of land and replaced central planning with local decision making)- (decreased censorship and held free elections)


1991- after 74 yrs, Soviet Union dissolved, replaced by Commonwealth of Independent States

Commonwealth of Independent States

federation formed after coup against Soviet Union- Gorbachev resigned

Boris Yeltsin

1991- president of the largest Soviet Republic climbed on an armored truck and attempted a coup of government of Gorbachev


designed to cut both nations' nuclear arsenals by 75% - signed by President Bush and Russian president Boris Yeltsin (started an era of friendship and partnership)

changes after Gorbachev's new policies

number of Soviet troops in Eastern Europe reduced; Poland-a non-Communist government; 1989-East Germany opened Berlin Wall- free passage between he two cities, first time in 28 years; 1990 Germany held free elections -2 nations became one.

Berlin Wall

1989-opened wall,..there was free passage between the two cities-first time in 28 years.. Germany held free elections in 1990

Eastern Europe

Czechoslovakia withdrew from Soviet bloc; Baltic states declared independence from Soviet Union; Yugoslavia collapsed


students began to demand freedom of speech and a greater voice in government

Tiananmen Square

1989- Chinese students constructed a version of Statue of Liberty to symbolize their struggle for democracy- military was ordered to crush protestors-soldiers killed hundreds

Li Peng

Chinese premier ordered military to crush the student protestors in Tiananmen Square


ruled by Somoza

Sandinista rebels

toppled Somoza's rule in 1979 - President Carter recognized this new regime and sent them $83 million in aid !!!!

Reagan and Sandinistas

he cut all aid to Sandinistas and gave it to the CONTRAS - because they were against Communism

Boland Amendment

Congress passed this amendment and said no more military aid to Contras for 2 years...Reagan sent it anyway...!


Reagan sent 2,000 troops to island of Grenada in overthrow Communist pro-Cuba government and replace with one more friendly to American.....Reagan said invasion was necessary to protect US security.....

General Noriega

President Bush sent 20,000 soldiers into Panama to overthrow and arrest General Noriega on charges of drug trafficking.--flown by Miami to stand trial. Noriega convicted in April 1992-sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Iran-Contra scandal....

1983-terrorists (loyal to Iran) took Americans hostage in Lebanon- Reagan denounced Iran and urged US allies to NOT sell arms to Iran. Three years later, Americans learned Reagan administration had been violating its own policy-secretyly selling Iran anti

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North

member of National Security Council who played a key role in providing aid to Contras-said he was following president's orders.....some saw him as hero, some saw him as villain

Saddam Hussein

leader of Iraq (enemy of Iran)..tried to conquer Kuwait with plans to conquer Saudi Arabia-which would then put it in control of half the worlds known oil reserves

Operation Desert Storm

1991-international coalition against Iraqi aggression- launched by President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker....massive air assault and ground offensive - Kuwait was liberated.

casualties of Operation Desert Storm

400 UN coalition forces; 100,000 Iraqis; victory parade for returning soldiers

Bush's reelection campaign doomed

by weak economy and the tax hike