A Crisis in Confidence

(Silent Majority)

Reference to the middle class

Big Government vs. Social Ills

Nixon hated Big Government. Americans were tired of government spending, however they still wanted the government to address problems in society

New Federalism

AKA Revenue Sharing. The federal government gave states start up money to fund social programs, but the states ran the programs themselves


1. The expense of the Vietnam War
2. Foreign Competition
3. Dependency on foreign oil


Court ordered and designed to continue promoting integration and racial balance in schools. Nixon opposed busing and gained support of southern whites

(Affirmative Action)

A plan to help African Americans overcome past discrimination. Nixon usually opposed except when it came to unions, therefore, he gained the support of southern whites

Election of 1972

Nixon defeated the democratic candidate, George McGovern, and was reelected


Political scandal involving illegal activities that ultimately led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974

White House Tapes/(Executive Privilege)

The White House tapes were secret recordings found in the oval office. Nixon invoked executive privilege and refused to hand over the tapes. July 1974 the supreme court ruled that Nixon had to turn over the tapes. The tapes revealed that Nixon ordered the


Nixon resigned in August 1974, Ford became new president

Public Confidence

By the mid 1970s most Americans did not trust their government

Checks and Balances

Successful, preserved the constitution, congress and the supreme court successfully checked the power of the president

Ford Succeeded Nixon as President


Inherited Severe Economic Problems

Economy worsened during Ford's term such as inflation, skyrocketing prices, and rising unemployment

(Pardoned) Nixon

Therefore lost political support

Jimmy Carter

Democrat who was elected president in 1976, defeated Ford

Democratic Leadership

Carter lacked respect from his own political party. Often his proposed bills were changed by democratic leadership


Granted to those who evaded the draft. Carter lost political support over this

Energy Crisis

Created fuel shortages and rising oil prices. This caused factories and businesses to shut down which further weakened Carter's support and affected the Ford and Carter administrations

Latin America and Asia

Migration increased in the Sunbelt in 1970s making their votes very important to conservatives

Me Generation

Premarital sex, drugs/drug use, high divorce rate, children born to unwed parents, and a fascination with physical fitness

Conservatives/Traditional Values

Became stronger as a reaction to the me generation and the economy

(Helsinki Accords)

Agreement made in 1975 among the US, Canada, and European countries, including the Soviet Union, in which all nations agreed to support human rights

(SALT ll)

Proposed agreement between the US and Soviet Union to limit certain types of nuclear arms production; it was never ratified by the US senate

(Boat People)

During the mid late 1970s, over 1 million people left Vietnam, this was the largest mass migration by sea in modern history


Invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979 causing relations with the soviets to cool

SALT ll/(Sanctions)

The SALT ll treaty was withdrawn by the US and US boycotted the 1980 summer olympic games in Moscow


US support was withdrawn due to human rights violations

Cuba/Mariel Boatlift

US and Cuba experienced strained relations after Castro sent Cuban criminals to the US


Carter negotiated a treaty to return ownership of the canal zone back to Panama in 1999

(Camp David Accords)

Came about when Egypt formally recognized Israel and Carter's greatest foreign policy achievement


Setback especially with the Iran hostage crisis

called on Americans to conserve oil

President Carter

religious conservatives

called for an increase in church attendance

Twenty-fifth Amendment

established procedures for presidential succession