Chapter 17

The 1960 presidential race was the first time candidates made substantial use of


The Supreme Court's decision in Reynolds v. Sims shifted political power throughout the country to

urban areas

In an effort to increase growth and create more jobs, Kennedy advocated

deficit spending

In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court ruled that, regardless of the ability to pay, a defendant in a state court had the right to

a lawyer

Republicans, as well as Southern Democrats, viewed the New Frontier as

too expensive

On April 17,1961 armed Cuban exiles landed on the south coast of Cuba at

the Bay of Pigs

The man accused of killing President Kennedy appeared to be a confused and embittered Marxist named

Lee Harvey-Oswald

On October 22,1962, President Kennedy announced that American spy planes had taken aerial photographs showing that the Soviet Union had placed long-range missiles in


President Kennedy pushed for a buildup of conventional troops and weapons that would allow the United States to fight a limited style of warfare with

a flexible response

To improve relations between the United States and Latin America, President Kennedy proposed a series of cooperative aid projects with Latin America governments called

the Alliance for Progress

Who was the first African American to serve in the cabinet, holding the post of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development?

Robert Weaver

What was President Johnson's vision of the more perfect and equitable society the Unites States could and should become?

Great Society

Which act led to long-term changes in the demographics of the American population?

Immigration Act of 1965

Which group offered work-study programs to help underprivileged young men and women earn a high school diploma or college degree?

Neighborhood Peace Corps

At Johnson's urging, what agency did Congress set up in 1964 to coordinate programs aimed at creating and fighting poverty?

Office of Economic Opportunity

The way in which states redraw political districts based on changes in population


President Kennedy's legislative agenda

New Frontier

Nominated to become the Chief Justice of the United States in 1953

Earl Warren

Concern that the United States lagged behind the Soviets in weaponry

Missile gap

Ensures that all people are treated the same by the legal system

Due process

Built to stop the flood of people pouring out of East Germany into West Berlin

Berlin Wall

First human being to walk on the moon

Neil Armstrong

Investigated the assassination of President Kennedy

Warren Commission

Program aimed at helping less developed nations fight poverty

Peace Corps

Cuban exiles who were secretly trained and armed by the CIA

La Brigada

A right to benefits for certain categories of Americans


Program directed at disadvantaged preschool children

Project Head Start

Financed healthcare for low-income families


Put young people with community-minded ideals to work in poor neighborhoods and rural areas


Johnson's Republican opponent in the 1964 presidential election

Barry Goldwater

Accused had the right to an attorney during police questioning

Escobedo v. Illinois

Space capsule that carried American astronauts to the moon and back


Congressional reapportionment must follow idea of "one man, one vote

Reynolds v. Sims

Courts cannot consider evidence obtained in violation of the federal Constitution

Mapp v. Ohio

State-mandated Bible reading in school banned

Abington School District v. Schempp

Prohibiting the sale and use of birth control devices violated citizens' constitutional right to privacy

Griswold v. Connecticut

Eliminated the national origins system

Immigration Act of 1965

States cannot compose official prayers and require them to be recited in public

Engle v. Vitale

Protected voters from discriminatory practices

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Suspects are entitled to an attorney, regardless of ability to pay

Gideon v. Wainwright