Ch 15 review

Who wrote Grape of Wrath

John Steinbeck

What program or administration reflected Roosevelt's concern for natural environment?

Civilian Conservation Corps

What was the objective of the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

raise crop prices by lowering production

What were the perceived characteristics of FDR

except economic conservatism

What role did Eleanor play in the Roosevelt administration?

adviser on domestic policy

Who used music to express the hardship of American life during the Depression?

Grant Wood

What New Deal policies had the biggest long term impact on the US economy?

Social Security Act

What act or administration was most directly responsible for creating jobs and putting people to work?

Works Progress Administration, NYA, CCC

Who made up the New Deal Coalition?


By decreasing farm surplus, new deal policies helped to raise what?

prices of corps

Who helped organize the Black cabinet

Mary McLeod Bethune

What was the first major action FDR took as president?

he closed all of the nations banks and ordered inspections

Who proposed Share the Wealth?

Huey Long

What reached a new high during FRDs first term as president

National Debt

Who was the first woman to serve in the cabinet?

Frances Perkins

What piece of New Deal legislation was ruled unconstitutional?

National Industrial Recovery Act
Agriculture Adjustment Act

What were the goals of the New Deal?

Relief for the needy, economic recovery, financial reform

What idea of Roosevelt failed to become law?

the reorganization of the supreme court

Who benefited the most form the Federal Emergency Relief Act?

the unemployed, the aged, and the ill

Tennessee Valley Authority

construct dams and power plants in Tennessee Valley region to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods

Federal Emergency Relief Administraion

this provided direct relief in the form of food and clothing to the neediest people hit by the Depression- the unemployed, the aged, and the ill

Emergency Banking Relief Act

authorized Treasury Department to inspect the country's bank means for making federal loans to solid banks

Federal Securities Act

required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offering and liable for any misrepresentation

National Industrial Recovery Act

provide money to states to create jobs chiefly in construction of schools and community buildings

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Restricted production during the New Deal by paying farmers to reduce crop area.

Glass Steagall Banking Act

this established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with the greater goal of restoring public confidence in the banking system

Civilian Conservation Corps

put young men aged 18-25 to work building roads developing parks planting trees helping in erosion control and flood control projects

Home Owners Loan Corporation

provided governemnet loans to homeowners who faced foreclosers because they couldnt meet loan payments

Fair Labor Standards Act

set maximum hours per week and minimum wage at 25 cent per hour

Securities and Exchange Commission

monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sales of stocks and bonds

Word Progress Administration

to create as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

insure individuals' bank accounts, protecting people against loss because of failure of bank

Social Security Act

to provide aid to retirees, unemployed, people with disabilities, families with dependent children

Wagner Act

1935, also National Labor Relations Act; granted rights to unions; allowed collective bargaining

Federal Arts Project

paid artists a living wages to produce public art

Federal Writer Project

Provides employment for historians, teachers, writers

Richard Wright

African American, Native Son

John Collier

commissioner of Indian affairs

Grant Wood

American Gothic

Orson Wells

Pioneering entertainer, actor and director, who created "The War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938

What was one of the most popular movies of all time?

Gone with the Wind