Ch.10: Andrew Jackson

What types of people supported Andrew Jackson the most during his run for president?

common people" like small farmers and frontier settlers

How did the Cherokee people resist removal to Indian Territory?

They adopted the contemporary culture of white Americans. (lived like white people)

What was partly the result of the President Jackson's banking policies?

the Panic of 1837

What branch of government did the Founding Fathers think should be the strongest?

the legislative branch (Congress)

In the presidential election of 1824, no candidate won the majority of votes in the Electoral College. How was the president then chosen (elected)?

the House of Representatives voted on the top 3 candidates (and the candidate with the major won)

What was the concept of "nullification"?

states had the right to NOT follow any federal law that they thought was unconstitutional

How was the U.S. divided during the first half of the 1800s?

North, South, & West

When William Henry Harrison ran for president in 1840, what "new" political party did he represent (that favored a weak president and a strong Congress)?

the Whig Party

Where was "Indian Territory" established after 1830?

in present-day Oklahoma

Around 1825, supporters of Andrew Jackson formed what "new" political party?

the Democratic Party

What presidential power did Jackson use to "control" Congress?

the power of the president to veto proposed bills (Jackson used his veto power to threaten Congress and influence the type of laws Congress made...before Jackson, presidents rarely vetoed laws)

Who was the Cherokee scholar and craftsman that created a writing system for the Cherokee?


Who was the 6th president of the U.S.? (hint: his dad was the 2nd president of the U.S.)

John Quincy Adams

Who served as the governor of the Indiana Territory, defeated Tecumseh's village at the Battle of Tippecanoe, and became the 9th president of the U.S.?

William Henry Harrison

Who was the Seminole chief that resisted Indian removal in Florida?


Who was the Fox and Sauk chief that resisted Indian removal in the Illinois Territory?

Black Hawk

Who was the U.S. representative from Kentucky who supported the American System and proposed the Missouri Compromise (as well as a compromise to solve the nullification crisis)?

Henry Clay

Who was president Jackson's vice president that ended up resigning because of his support for nullification and states' rights? (remember, he was "obsessed" with how to protect the institution of slavery)

John C. Calhoun

What was the name that the southern states gave to the high protective tariff that was passed in 1828 (which ultimately led to the nullification crisis)?

the Tariff of Abominations

What was the name of the federal law that authorized the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River?

the Indian Removal Act

In what case did the Supreme Court rule that the national bank is constitutional?

McCulloch v. Maryland

What did the Cherokee call the 800-mile forced march from their homelands to Indian Territory?

the Trail of Tears

In what case did the Supreme Court rule that the Cherokee nation was a distinct territory and that only the federal government (not state governments) had authority over?

Worcester v. Georgia

How did Andrew Jackson feel about the national bank?

he hated it; he thought it had too much power and tried to "kill" it by vetoing a proposed early re-charter and removing all the national governments money from it.

What did the states' rights doctrine say?

Since states had formed the national government, state power should be greater than the national government

Besides the national bank, what other institutions did Andrew Jackson dislike and distrust?


Approximately, how many Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears?

1/4 of the 18,000 who went on the journey (approx. 4,500)

Why did Andrew Jackson proclaim that a "corrupt bargain" had occurred during the 1824 presidential election?

because Jackson had won most of the votes in the Electoral College, but not the majority -- so the House of Reps had to vote on the president. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House. The House of Reps voted for John Quincy Adams, who then made Henry Clay

What was the "spoils system"?

when government leaders give jobs to their supporters (when Andrew Jackson became president, he rewarded many of his supporters with government jobs, whether or not that were qualified)

What was the problem with Andrew Jackson's marriage to Rachel Donelson?

Rachel was already married to another man

What was Jackson's stance on slavery?

He owned slaves; he supported slavery

How did Jackson change the position of the presidency?

he made the position of the presidency more powerful

What was "Jacksonian Democracy"?

the time period in the 1820s and 1830s when more white men got the right to vote

Which did Jackson think should be stronger: the federal government or the state governments?

Jackson thought the federal government should be stronger