The Cold War

Satellite State

Eastern Europe and Eastern Germany became dependent and influenced from the Soviet Union, but was formally independent

Cold War

(1945-1989) the continuing state of conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States that caused much tension and competition, but no actual physical fighting

foreign policy

dictates how a country will act in relation to other nations

Iron Curtain

the boundary that separated the Warsaw Pact countries from the NATO countries physically and idealogically

Marshall Plan

the recovery plan created by George Marshall to help build up the European countries after WWII so they could get prevent communism (17 billion dollars over 4 years)

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism

George Kennan

a diplomat who created the Policy of Containment


George Kennan did not want the Soviets to expand their power, but didn't want to go to war, so he wanted to keep everything the way it is (to contain communism within its borders)

Berlin Airlift

cargo planes delivered all food, fuel, and other essential goods to the people living in West Berlin


(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) formed to defend Western Europe against the Soviet Union (a military alliance for collective security)

Warsaw Pact

the alliance between the Soviet Union and the communist Eastern European countries

Red China

Communist China" that covered much of eastern Asia

Mao Zedong

founder of the People's Republic of China and he was very communist

Chiang Kai-shek

General and leader of Nationalist China after 1925 and he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.


The US took itself out of the Korean War

Douglas McArthur

the commander of the U.N forces in Korea who wanted to expand the Korean War into China, and was then fired by Truman for not going along with the foreign policy

38th Parallel

line of latitude that separated North and South Korea

Eastern European Corridor


Josef Stalin vs. Harry Truman

Stalin wants communism and Truman wants nationalism


The principle of not backing down in a crisis, even if it meant taking the country to the brink of war which was the policy for both the US and the USSR

Red Scare

Intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas

Nikita Khrushchev

He served as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, following the death of Joseph Stalin, and was responsible for the De-Stalinization of the USSR


The world's first space satellite which meant the Soviet Union had a missile powerful enough to reach the US

Atlantic Charter

(1941) pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII and to work for peace after the war

Yalta Agreement

a meeting after World War II between the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union to figure out the different occupations of Germany


(House Un- American Committee) that investigated communist influence inside and outside the US government

Alger Hiss

A former State Department official who was accused of being a Communist spy and was convicted of perjury

Richard Nixon

He tried to catch Alger Hiss who was accused of being a Communist agent in the 1930's. This brought Nixon to the attention of the American public. In 1956 he was Eisenhower's Vice-President.

Senator Joseph McCarthy

The Wisconsin senator who claimed to have list of communists in American gov't, but no credible evidence. He took advantage of the fears people had of communism to become incredibly influential

Black lists

lists of suspected ratical union members which employees gave to each other to keep them from being hired

Hot wars

military action is used (the Korean War)

Who is ultimately responsible for the start of the Cold War?

Josef Stalin: he refused to take his troops out of eastern Europe after WWII

The main reasons for the start of the Cold War

1) Americans fear of communism
2)the Sputnik
3)Stalin refused to take his troops out of eastern Europe after WWII

Can an idealogical war be more dangerous than a physical war?

Yes, b/c it can causes different types of problems, and much crazyness. People became more overly obsessed, which affected many people's lives in a negative way.

Why was the Cold War so tense when the two superpowers were never actually involved in a "Hot War"?

nuclear weapons were just developed and such strong ideas and the influence on other countries

Did the United States "win" the Cold War or did the Soviet Union "lose" it?

won, b/c there is no more communism in europe, there is only very little scattered around the world

Why did George Kennan think that containment would work against Soviet Soviet expansion?

he thought if he provided aid to countries that were suffering econommically and might soon have to go into the soviet union, he could build them up and therefore they could stand up against communism

What options besides containment might Truman have considered in response to Soviet expansion?

war or not getting involved

Why did North Korea cross the 38th Parallel and invade South Korea?

they wanted to make south korea like them

Why did the US intervene in Korea?

they were trying to prevent the spread of communism

Was the Korean War an international war or a Civil War?

civil war and internation considering other countries got invovled

Who won the Korean War?

no one it ended how it started

Were Americans correct in worrying that domestic communists endangered their security?

no, b/c America was still democratic, and they were being to overly suspicious, and charged to many people who were not even communists

How effective was McCarthy's campaign against communists in government?

he negatively effected many...people lost jobs

What is the proper balance between national security and civil liberties?

preserve constitution, and follow laws