Chapter 2 Settling the Thirteen Colonies

How do English colonists differ from Spanish or french colonists?

English colonists want to get away from England for things such as religious freedom or political freedom. Spain wants to convert the native Americans to Roman Catholic. The French want to trade.

List three of the six reasons that English colonists came to America.

All six were because of profit, land, adventure, religious, and political freedom.

What kind of organizations founded the colonies?

The organization that founded the colonies were the joint stock companies.

Name the three types of colonies.

Three types of colonies are charter, proprietary, and joint stock companies.

List three hazards faced by the early colonists.

The didn't have that good of food, water, and many had diseases and died.

What benefits did a joint stock company offer to potential investors in a colony?

Offered them food, supplies and other things that helps them go to New World in peace.

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What was the main reason for finding of the New England colonies?

The main reason they fled was for religious freedom.

How did the Puritans and the Separatist differ?

Puritans believed that they could purify the Church of England from within. The Separatist believed they should separate totally from the Church of England.

Why did the Pilgrims believe it is necessary to write the Mayflower Compact? What is the significance of the document?

The Pilgrims had landed in an area not governed by their charter, therefore needed to form their own government. It was the first document providing self government in the New World.

Who had the right to vote in the
Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Only church members were allowed to vote

List Roger Williams three criticisms of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. What colony was formed as a result of his belief, and what was its first settlement?

1. he believed that the church and state should be separate. 2. Williams believed that Indians owned all the land in the colonies and that the colonists had no right to stay unless they paid the Indians for the land. 3. He thought that puritans should not

What plan of government is considered the first written constitution drawn up in America?

The first written constitution drawn up in America was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

List four New England colonies that eventually became states.

the four New England colonies that eventually became states are Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire.

The Puritans and Roger Williams had a very different ideas about liberty and the role of government. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Puritan view? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Williams view?

The puritans were really passionate about God, but they were very strict about anything that happened on the Lords day (Sunday). Williams was didn't want to be part of the Church of England and he spoke his mind about it. But he and any others who believe

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How were the people that settled the middle colonies different from those in New England?

They came for a wider variety of culture

How were the Dutch and English different in the reasons they colonized

Dutch were looking for riches, gold silver, and profit. The English came for religious freedom.

Why did England want New Netherland? What nobleman was responsible for taking it?

because of the good Atlantic harbor and it divided he Dutch from the New England colonies. The Duke of York was responsible for taking it.

Name the two men to whom New Jersey was given.

The two men were Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley.

Why did King Charles 2 give the territory of Pennsylvania to William Penn? What religious group did Penn hope o protect?

King Charles gave him the land because he owed Penn's fathers money and he died. King Charles gave land of the New World to William Penn. William wanted to protect the Quakers.

What colony's control passed from the Swedish to the Dutch to the English?

The colony that was passed from country to country was Delaware.

Why was "Philadelphia" a good name for the capital of Penn's new colony?

Penn hoped that after he passed and a new leader came that everyone would have "Brotherly Love

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What city became the center of government in Virginia after Jamestown?

The city was Williamsburg

Who was the proprietor of Maryland? What was the first settlement?

Cecilius Calvert was the the proprietor of Maryland. The first settlement in Maryland was St. Mary's.

What was the first written law of religious freedom in the colonies?

The first written law of religious freedom was the Act of Toleration.

What two colonies were originally jointed under eight English proprietors?

The two colonies that were originally under eight English proprietors were North and south Carolina

Name two of the three crops important in the Carolinas.

Tobacco, indigo, and rice were three crops important in the Carolinas.

For what two reasons was the colony of Georgia founded? Who founded it?

A new home for debtors, and to provide a buffer between Spanish Florida and New England. James Oglethorpe founded Georgia.

Why did the people of Maryland believe they needed a written law of religious freedom?

They believed they needed a written law that would saw that they are protected.