
The Virginia Pplan proposed a Congress composed of:

The Virginian Plan called for a two House Legislature known as the larger states.

The New Jersey Plan called for a Congress consisting of:

THe New Jersey Plan called for a one House Congress known as the small states.

The Vrginia Plan propsed that representation in congress be based on:
Other large states agreed.

The Virginia Plan wanted the representation to be based on population.

The New Jersey Plan proposed that congressional representation be based on:
Other small states agreed.

The small states favored the New Jersey Plan so that each state should have an equal vote.

How did the Great Compromise reslove this conflict?

The Great Compromise created Congress which are Congress has a two representations the senate of upper house has an equal representation and the house of representations also have a lowerhouse of representation.

Northern states felt thatreprentation in Congress should be based on the number of:

The Northern states do not want slaves counted.

Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of:

The Southern State wanted to slave counted in house Representatives.

How did the Three-Fifths Comprmise resolve this conlflict?

The Three-Fifths Compromise was equal to slaves which counted as three-fifths of the population.