Chapter 14 Test

invented the typewriter

Christopher Sholes

invented the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

developed an efficient technique for transforming iron into steel

Henery Bessemer

perfected the incandescent lightbulb at his research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey

Thomas Alva Edison

developed an entrie system for producing and distributing electrical power and organized power plants around the nation

Thomas Alva Edison

at Promontory Point, Utah, where the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads met on May 10, 1869, a golden spike marked the linking of the nation by the first -transcontinental- railroad


-J.P. Morgan- was an industrialist whose company produced standard railroad cars and elegant sleeping cars. his company town, which he hoped would ensure a stablr workforce, was criticized as "un-American

George M. Pullman

the stockholders of the Union Pacific Railroad used -the Pullman Company- to make huge, unearned profits for themselves

Credit Mobilier

in Munn v. Illinois, the states won the right to regulate the -railroads-for the benefit of framers and other consumers


the Interstate Commerce Act reestablished the right of the -railroad companies- to supervise railroad activities and set up the Interstate Commerce Commission for that purpose


the main purpose of the company known as Credit Mobilier was to ______

steal railroad money for its shareholders

all of the following factors contributed to the immense industrial boom of the early 1900s EXCEPT:
(a) a wealth of natural resources
(b) government support for business
(c) a growing urban population
(d) the emergence of the middle class

the emergence of the middle class

Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by doing all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) buying out his suppliers
(b) cutting the quality of his products
(c) buying out his competitors
(d) underselling his competitors

cutting the quality of his products

the Sherman Antitrust Act _______

outlawed the formation of trusts that interfered with free trade

the Great Strike of 1877 took place in the _______

railroad industry

in the late 1800s, collective bargaining was a technique used to _______

win workers' rights

the use of standardized time and time zones was introduced in order to benefit ______

railroad companies and train travelers

Social Darwinism was used to justify all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) the existence of poverty
(b) the success of big business
(c) the power of millionaire industrialists
(d) government regulation of business

government regulation of business

Vertical interation, a business strategy used by steel mogul Andrew Carnegie, involves _______

buying out raw material producers and distributors

the Interstate Commerce Act gave the right to supervise railroad activities to _______

the federal government

why was Pullman, Illnois, an unusaul town?

it was built by a company to house its workers

which of the following did Social Darwinism DISCOURAGE?
(a) hard work
(b) Industrialization
(c) government regulation
(d) the accumulation of wealth

government regulation

in which of the following did 146 female workers die in a fire?
(a) Haymarket Square
(b) the Pullman factory
(c) the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
(d) Carnegie Steel's Homestead Plant

the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

why were scabs unpopular with with striking workers during the late 1800s?

they were workers used to break strikes

what made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1800s?

new methods of making steel

what did industrial consolidation and trusts reduce during the late 1800s?


Who organized the Industrial Workers of the World?

radical unionists and socialists

which of the following resulted from the investigation of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?
(a) the imprisonment of company officals
(b) the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act
(c) the adoption of equal wages for men and women
(d) changes in local laws for w

changes in local laws for women and children

what was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Act?

to lower excessive railroad rates