US History Exam

Treaty of Paris, 1763

Ended the French and Indian war. Signed on Feb. 10, 1763 by Great Britain, France, and Spain with Portugal

Proclamation of 1763

Great Britain fought with France-France lost so GB expanded their land. Purpose was to organize GB's new N.A empire and to stabilize relations with native N.A through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on western frontier

Locke: 2nd Treatise of Government

Stated if the govt. does something wrong the people would do something to change it

Declaration of Independence

Singed on July 4, 1776. Announced that the Thirteen Colonies were regarded as independent states

Lexington and Concord

Outmarked an open armed conflict between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies

Battle of Saratoga

The turning point of the American War of Independence

George Whitefield

English Angelican Priest who spread the Great Awakening through Britain and N.A British colonies

The Great Awakening (1st)

Religious revitalization movement that swept as Protestant through Europe and British America, leaving a permanent on American religion

Viginia & Kentucky Resolutions

Argued that the states had the right and duty to declare any acts of congress unconstitutional

Pickney's Treaty

Established an intentions friendship between US and Spain on Oct 27, 1795

James Madison

Known as the Father of Constitution for being the primary author of the constitution and Bill of Rights

John Marshall

The Chief of Justice whose opinios lay the basis of constituional laws and made the supreme court of the US along with the Legislative & Executive Branches


N.A Leader of the Shawnee & a large tribal confederacy who opposed the US during the War of 1812

Embargo Act of 1807

Restricted American Ships from engaging in foreign trades between the years of 1807- 1812

War of 1812

War between the US and those of the Britian Empire. Declared for desire of NW territory and for other reasons

Credit Mobilier- 1868

Scandal involving a constitution and a finance company associated with building the Pacific Union Railroad

Interstate Commerce Act, 1887

Upset people because of high railroad rates (i.e farmers). Govt regulates interstate trade. Enforced Teddy Roosevelt


Main producer of a product

John D. Rockefeller

Founder of Standard Oil Co.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 1890

Created to break up all monopolies

Eugene V. Debs

Socialist union leader. Favored Knights of Labor (union for unskilled and skilled workers)

Chinese Exclusion Act,1882

Chinese Laborers were not allowed to enter the US for 10 yrs

Gentlemen's Agreement 1907

Stated that Japan should stop the emigration of Japanese laborers and the US should stop descrimination against the Japanese living in the US

Whiskey Ring

Group of Revenue officers convicted during President Grant's administration. Kept money from excise tax

William "Big Boss" Tweed

Head of NY City democratic political machine. Managed to escape jail & fled country- In Spain Border, two guards recognized his face & supposed he was wanted for kidnapping. He was then extradited & returned to prison

Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W)

Union led by William "Big Bill" Haywood. Welcomed Blacks, Radicals, and Socialists

American Federation of Labor

Founded by Samuel Gompers. Union opened only to skilled workers. Raised wages & shortened work week

Knights of Labor

Union opened to skilled and unskilled workers

W.E.B DuBois

Wanted to challenge Whites Socially and Economically. 1st Black person to get a PhD from Harvard. Thought Blacks should be more than farmers & teachers. Challenged Booker T. Washington [b/c Washington only wanted to challange White Socially]

Niagra Movement, 1905

A forerunner of NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Its manifest was "we want full man suffrage and we want it now..we are men and we are to be treated as men..and we shall win!" [words from W.E.B DeBois]

National Advancement for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P)

Created in 1909. Protected Blacks rights with the help of W.E.B DeBois

Theodore Roosevelt's Contributions (11st)

Expanded power of Executive branch. Shaped Progressive movement. Precurser of New Deal. Power of the US


Set up wildlife and parks;148Million acres (same size of Germany)

Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906

Ingredients and processing techniques had to labeled onto the foods and medicine

Square Deal

Theodore Roosevelt's platform. Protected little people from big businesses

Henry Ford

Made car more affordable. $5 a day minimum wage. Hired handicapped and ex-convicts. To buid cars, he dropped car prices to under $300

William H. Taft (1909- 1913)

A Republican who assumed the presidency after Roosevelt; he defeated William J. Bryan. Attacked all Trusts. Sold land that was set aside by Roosevelt

Payne- Aldrich Tariff, 1909

Taft promised to lower tariffs but instead he raised them

Plessy v. Ferguson

Separate but Equal

Woodrow Wilson

1st Democrat to be president since Cleveland & Johnson. Believed in strong executive branch. Progressive President


Plan under which Native Americans would give up their beliefs and way of life & become part of the White culture

Populist Party

Based among poor, white, cotton farmers. Most important through 1892- 1896

Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824

Supreme court held that the power to regulate interstate commerce was granted to congress by the Commerce Clause of the US constitution

New Freedom

Wilson's platform. Attacked Triple Wall of Priviledge (Trusts, Tariffs, and Banking)

Monroe Doctrine

Introduced Dec. 2, 1823. Stated that if European countries attempt to colonize lands or states of the America's would be viewed as acts of agression

Second Great Awakening

Christian Revival movement durng early 19th century; Expressed Arminian theology

Indian Removal Act, 1830

Authorized the President [at the time Andrew Jackson] to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi River in exchange for indian lands within exiting state borders

Jacksonian Democracy

Political movemnt toward greater democracy for the common man; by Andrew Jackson & his supporters

Andrew Jackson

7th President of US. Destroyed National bank and relocated most indian tribes from Southeast to West for Miss. River

Election of 1824

John Quincy Adams became Pres. Federalists losing influence Demo- Rep. Party as National Political entity

Trial of Tears

Name given to relocation of Native Americans

Eli Whitney: Cotton Gin

Creator of Machine that separated seed from fiber [cotton fiber]

Henry Clay

Planter/ Statesman that represented Kentucky in Senate & House of Representatives. Served as Speaker and Sec. of State (1825- 1829)

Adams- Onis Treaty

Treaty b/w US and Spain in 1819. Spain gave Florida to US and set a boundary b/w US and New Spain

French and Indian War, 1754- 1763

War b/w Great Britain and France in North America. Erupted in world wide conflict known as Seven Years War

Missouri Compromise,1820

Created by Henry Clay. All states above 36' 30' line were free states except Missouri. Below line were slave states; Maine was freed

Louisina Purchase

Acquisition by US of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana in 1803

Pendelton Act, 1883

Merit system used for civil service jobs; exams

Jay's Treaty

Treaty b/w US & Great Britain that is credited to avoid war. Resolved remaining since the Treaty of Paris of 1783

Alien and Sedition Act

Four Bills passed in 1798 by Federalists in 5th US Congress during an undeclared naval war with France, known as Quasi- War

Judiciary Act of 1801

Represented an effort to solve an issue in the Supreme Cort during the arly 19th century

Treaty of Paris 1783

SIGNED on Sept. 3, 1783. Ratified by Conress of Confederation on Jan 14, 1784. Ended the American Revolutionary War b/w Great Britain & US

Articles of Confederation

1st written constitution or plan of govt of the US. Specified how the National Govt. was to operate

The Great Compromise

An agreement reached at the Philidelphia Convention of 1787 that largely decided the structure of the US Congress