Exam 4: ACC 2304

Relevant costs meet 2 criteria

it differs between the alternatives and the differences will occur in the future

A cost that occurs only with the implementation of a particular alternative is



are incurred under all alternatives, thus they are irrelevant

A sunk cost

represents a cost that has been incurred in the past

The additional impact of one alternative over another is referred to as the

incremental analysis

A sunk and unavoidable cost

is an irrelevant cost

Which of the following is not required for an item to be considered relevant to a decision?

it is variable

Which of the following is unavoidable, and thus irrelevant, when deciding between two job offers in different cities?

monthly student loan payment

The simple rate of return is based on cash flows and not on accounting net income


Which of the techniques ignores cash flows or accounting income after a specified goal has been met?

payback period

The discount rate that equates the present value of cash outflows with the present value of the cash inflows is known as the internal rate of return


The net present value method takes into account:

cash flow over life of project: yes; time value of money: no

If the internal rate of return is used as the discount rate in computing net present value, the net present value will be:


The length of time required initial cash outlay for a project is determined by using the:

the payback method

Which methods consider the time value of money?

net present value; internal rate of return

The rate of return management want or requires on each investment project is known as

discount rate

Relevant cost

a cost that differs between alternatives

Sunk costs

are NOT relevant costs

When you have a limited supply of a resource (constrained resource)

choose the alternative that generates the most profit per unit of the constrained resource

Present value of cash flow =

amount of cash flow x present value factor

If NPV is positive or equal to 0,

then the project is acceptable because it exceeds the required rate of return

IRR is equal to

the discount rate that provides a NPV of 0


investment required/net annual cash flows

Payback period =

investment required / net annual cash flows

Payback period

ignore the time value of money!!


net operating income/avg. assets
margin x turnover

Margin =


Turnover =

sales/avg. assets

Three ways to improve ROI

increase sales, reduce expenses, reduce assets

Residual income =

NOI - required income

A company that is seeking to increase ROI should attempt to decrease

avg. operating assets

Residual income is the:

net operating income of an investment center, less the required return on the average operating assets used by the center

A sunk cost is:

a past cost; a cost that cannot be avoided

The costs that should be included in an outsourcing decision are

the relevant costs

The only difference between outsourcing and offshoring is that the outsource provider is located in the home country and the offshore provider is located in a foreign country


Working capital:

should be treated as part of the initial investment; is considered an outflow; is considered an inflow when released

An annuity is

a constant amount that is received each period for a stated number of periods

Which of the following actions will not improve a company's ROI?

increase investments

Which of the following is true?
I. the playback period account for time value of money.
II. The payback period doesn't allow cash flows over the entire length of the project


The NPV takes into account:

Cash flow over the life of the project: yes; time value of money: yes

An increase in the discount rate is:

will reduce the present value of future cash flows