A helicopter is a type of _____ aircraft.

Rotary Wing

Helicopter turbine engines produce ___________ thrust per pound than piston engines


The main forces acting on a helicopter are:

lift, weight, thrust, and drag

Helicopters typically have between ___ and ___ main rotor blades


Depending on the type of helicopter, main rotor system components can include:

A stabilizer bar, upper/lower swashplates, counterweights, pitch horns, teeter/coning hinges, blade grips, pitch/scissor links, control rods

The function of the flybar is:

To decrease crosswind thrust on the blades and enhance flight stability by keeping the bar stable as the rotor spins

Many helicopters have a horizontal stabilizer located:

On the tail boom

The purpose of the tail rotor is:

To produce an anti-torque force acting perpendicular to the helicopter's longitudinal axis

Wheels on ______ types of helicopters are ________:

some, retractable

A pilot controls a helicopter using:

Pedals, a collective, throttle, cyclic

From a physics perspective, the ______ force is deemed to act through a helicopter's __________:

Total weight, center of gravity

When a pilot banks a helicopter, causing it to turn, _____

The machine's weight increases

In the case of helicopters, lift is produced by _____ moving through the air at a speed sufficient to create

Airfoils, a pressure differential

Thrust acts ________ to the aircraft's ________________________:

parallel to longitudinal axis

Profile drag consists of ___ created by ____ and _____:

None of the above

Vortices produced by spinning rotor blades create:

induced drag

When plotted on a graph, L/DMAX is the point where the helicopter's _____________.

total lift-to-drag ratio is the great especially

A helicopter's potential energy is affected by:

Its height above the ground

Which of the following factors affect the lift produced by spinning rotor blades:

Airfoil coefficient of lift, air density, blade area

What happens when a helicopter's main rotor blades spin rapidly?

The upper and lower sides of each blade experience a difference in pressure

Newton's Third Law of Motion applies to helicopters because:

The spinning main rotor makes the aircraft try to spin in the opposite direction.

When the pilot pushes the cyclic forward:

The main rotor disk tilts forward

Multi-engine helicopters have

A throttle lever for each engine

When the pilot wants the helicopter's nose to move left or right, he or she:

Pushes on the corresponding pedal

For helicopters with a main rotor disk that spins counter-clockwise, the ________ airflow speed happens when each blade reaches the ________ position:

Maximum/ three o'clock (right)

On the advancing rotor blade, lift ________ and the blade __________________:

increases, moves upward

The angle between the ________ of a rotor blade and its direction of motion relative to the ________ is the angle of attack (AOA), which is ________ angle.:

chord line, air, an aerodynamic

The angle of incidence is between the ________ line of each blade and the rotor system's ________:

Chord, plane of rotation

When a helicopter engine ________, a clutch mechanism called a __________________:

fails; freewheeling unit automatically disconnects the engine from the main rotor, allowing it to spin freely.

During an autorotation in forward flight, the rotor disk takes in _______ air and the driven, driving, and stall regions of each blade move ______ along its length (span), but only on the _______ side of the disk:

upward flowing, outboard, retreating.

Where there is too much lift, the main rotor blades will:


Centrifugal force ________ spinning helicopter main rotor blades ________.

Pulls, outward

If left uncorrected, greater lift produced by the advancing side of the rotor disk compared to the lift created by the disk's retreating side could make the helicopter ___________.


The driven region is ________ the blade tips and normally __ percent of the radius:

nearest, 30

The _______ region is normally between a blade's _______ and _______ regions:

Driving, stall, driven

Because of gyroscopic precession, if a wind gust applies a downward force on the left side of a helicopter's main rotor disk as it spins clockwise (as viewed from above), the movement response occurs at the __ o'clock position:


Helicopters experience effective translational lift while transitioning to forward flight at approximately __ to __ knots:


Maximum ground effect occurs during a hover up to a height equal to _____ percent of the main rotor's diameter


A pilot can worsen a helicopter's pendular action by:

Over-controlling the aircraft

The phenomenon of a helicopter sinking into its own downwash is called:

Over settling the aircraft