Physics Central Net Force Model Test

Gravitational force of attraction f exists between two masses A and B when theya re separated by a fixed distance. If the distance between the masses is quadrupled the gravitational attraction between the two masses will be _____ times its original value


Force and acceleration arrows always point where?

towards the center of the circle

If the speed of the car were doubled, the centripetal acceleration of the car would be


If additional passengers were riding the car, at the original speed, the car's centripetal acceleration would be ____


If the radius of the track were doubled the centripetal force would be ___

cut in half

What provides centripetal force when a car goes around a curve


What provides CF when the moon orbits the Earth


What provides CF when you whirl a rubber stopper on a string


Velocity vectors always point where

the outside of the circle

Why do Astronauts "float" in space? Is it because there is no gravity

No, its because they are in freefall because they are falling at the same rate as the Earth

What force is used on a free flying object

there is none

why is there no force on a free flying object
