Forces and Motion, F=ma


a push or pull that acts on an object


the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion


a force opposes the motion of another object; making the object slow down, or giving it traction to get moving


how fast the position of an object changes with time at any moment; calculated s=d/t

Newton's First Law of Motion

An object at rest tends to stay at rest; an object in motion tends to stay in motion.


speed AND direction


a change in velocity/speed


A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.


the measure of the amount of matter in an object

acceleration/force relationship

the more force you apply, the greater the acceleration

acceleration/mass relationship

the greater the mass, the more force necessary to get an object to accelerate

As force increases, acceleration:




As mass increases, acceleration


A 35 N force would acceleration a 7 kg mass at:

5 m/s/s

What mass would a 50 N force accelerate at 25 m/s/s?

2 kg

As the mass of a planet increases, its gravitational force:

increases and it would have a greater gravity

Which object would accelerate the fastest if the same force was applied: 1 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg, 10 kg

1 kg: As mass decreases, acceleration increases

Which force would produce the greatest acceleration on a 5 kg mass: 1 N, 4 N, 6 N, 10 N

10 N: As force increases, acceleration increases