English 2

Oblige (v.)

to require or to force

Ingenious (adj)

cleverly inventive

Ostensibly (adv.)

seemingly or outwardly

Skeptical (adj.)

having doubts or reservations

Intangible (adj)

unable to be defined or understood

Apprehension (and.)

fear or anxiety; dread

Imperative (adj.)

of great importance; essential

Extremity (n.)

the outermost or farthest point or portion; the hand or foot

Stem (v.)

to grow from or be caused by

Volatile (adj.)

liable to change suddenly or evaporate

Infinitesimal (adj.)

extremely small; microscopic

Catalyst (n.)

a substance that starts or speeds up a reaction

Conjure (v.)

to produce from nothing, as if by magic

Pale (n.)

boundary or enclosed area

Cleave (v.)

stick or adhere

Reproach (n.)

a disgrace or a bad example

Quicken (v.)

to make alive or stimulate

License (n.)

unacceptably unrestrained behavior

Engross (v.)

to completely engage the attention or interest

Venture (v.)

to risk or dare

Deprecate (v.)

to express disapproval

Wring (v.)

to obtain through force or pressure

Formidable (adj)

difficult and intimidating

Expedience (n)

self-interested mean to an end

Diligence (n)

consistent, thorough effort and dedication

Systematize (v)

to form something into an organized plan or scheme