Experimental Design

Independent Variable

Definition: The one thing you change during the experiment
Example: An independent variable is something that you change in an experiment to solve a problem.

Dependent Variable

Definition: What you measure in an experiment or what your independent variable is affecting
Example: an example of a dependent variable is one plan grew more because it got more sunlight.


Definition: the force that pulls objects toward each other; the larger the object, the greater the pull
Example: a bowling ball falling.


Definition: the bouncing back of light rays from a surface
Example: reflection the light rays bounce off of a surface


Definition: the bending of light rays as they move through one material into another material
Example: A pencil bends when you put it through water.


Definition: a force between two surfaces rubbing against each other; friction works against motion
Example: an example of friction is a ball rolling on grass and then slowing down because of the grass


Definition: a push or pull
Example: push or pull


Definition: to keep all the variables in an investigation the same except the one variable being tested
Example: to take control of something or to take responsiblity of taking care of something in a investigation.It is also to keeps the same except varia


Definition: any factor that can change in an investigation to affect the outcome
Example: A variable is the one only thing you change in a investigation like how much water a plant gets


Definition: an idea that can be tested by an experiment
Example: Amanda though that Hershey chocolate milk chocolate will melt the fastest while doing the experiment.


Definition: the question a scientist is studying
Example: A scientist is doing an experiament.The scientist is trying to figure out where a plant gets the most sunlight.