EF Investigation 1

How many invisible forces are acting on a chair that is not moving


what are the invisible forces acting on a chair that is not moving

gravity is pulling down and the floor is pushing up

If a person is pushing on an object with 200N of force and the object doesn't move, what is the amount of force pushing on the opposite side of the object?


What is net force and what is the net force in question #2?

Net force is the sum of all the forces acting on a mass. The net force is zero.

Student A is pulling an object to the right with 500N of force. How much force does Student B have to apply in order to pull the object to the left?

Student B has to apply any force greater than -500N.

Is the force positive or negative if the object is being moved to the right?


Is the force positive or negative if the object is being moved to the left?


Student A is pushing an object with 5N of force and Student B is pulling the object in the same direction with 10N. How much force does it take to make the object not to move?


Student A is pushing an object with 5N of force and Student B is pulling the object in the same direction with 10N.How much force does it take a person to push the object in the opposite direction?

more than 15

What is the net force, when Student A and B are pushing an object with the same force in opposite directions?


What is the net force when Student A and B are pushing an object and Student A is pushing with 50N of force to the right and Student B is pushing with 60N of force to the left?


What is a force?

A push or a pull.

When a surface is rough, it creates more...


When there is more ____________, more ___________ is ______________ to move the object.

Friction, force, needed

When an object is in motion, what is the net force?

More than zero newtons.

It takes more force to move an object with ________________ mass.


It takes less force to move an object with ____________ mass.


What do you have to do in order to stop an object in motion?

To stop an object in motion you need to apply force.

A force is always an interaction between how many objects?

A force is an interaction between two objects.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is energy of movement.

Which needs more force to move an object on, a rough surface or a smooth surface? Why?

More energy is needed to move an object on a rough surface because there is more friction.

When we read the article entitled, "The Discovery of Friction," what did Galileo use to support Aristotle's ideas?

Galileo used evidence (ball and ramp) to support Aristotle's claims.