Science Olympiad-Barge Building

Archimedes' Principle

States that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the volume of fluid it displaces.


The upward force exerted by a fluid on an object that is placed in it.


The mass per unit volume of an object.


The amount of fluid that is "pushed aside" by an object placed in it.


A substance that has definite shape and flows.


The amount of matter or "stuff" in an object.

Negative Buoyancy

This occurs when the buoyant force is less than the downward pressure and the object sinks.

Positive Buoyancy

This occurs when the buoyant force is greater than the downward pressure and the object floats.

Neutral Buoyancy

This occurs when the buoyant force and downward pressure are equal and the object hovers.


The force per unit area exerted on an object.


The amount of space an object takes up.