1st Block Newtons Laws of Motion (Emily & Sydnee)


Action or process of moving or being moved


Tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force

Balanced force

Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions


Amount of matter in an object


A push or a pull that causes objects to move, change position or experience tension or compression.

Unbalanced force

When the forces on an object are pushing harder in one direction than in another, causing movement


Speed of something in a given direction

Net force

The sum of all forces acting on an object


Rate of change of velocity


The downward force on an object


Amount of gravity pulling down on an object

Newton's first law

An object at rest will stay at rest, an object that is moving will stay moving unless disturbed by an unbalanced force.

Newton's second law

Force is mass times acceleration F = M x A

Newton's third law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Normal Force

Force acting perpendicular to the contact surface

Gravitational force

The attractive force that exists between all objects with mass


A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact


measurement of how hard it is to stop an object

centripetal force

the circular movement of an object

Terminal Velocity

constant speed of an object reached when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance

Static Friction

every object at rest has a static bond that you can break

Sliding Friction

sliding an object

Rolling Friction

rolling an object

Fluid Friction

movement of object through water

Air resistance

aire opposing the motion of an object

The amount of gravity on an object depends on.......

The mass to hold it down and the location for more gravitational pull

Force is measured in ....


mass is measured in......


m/s/s measures.....


If the force is 50 N and the acceleration is 10 m/s what is the mass?

5 kg

If the mass is 6 kg and the acceleration 3 m/s, what is the force?

18 N

If the force is 30 N and the mass is 2 kg, what is the acceleration?

15 m/s/s

How does mass effect acceleration?

The more mass, the harder it is to get the object to accelerate. For example, it is harder to accelerate a boulder than a rock because a boulder is heavier.