Information Systems

Which of the following defines the relationship between variables along with the nature and frequency of the relationship

Association detection

What is a primary key

A field (or group of fields) that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table

What is a common association detection analysis technique where you analyze certain items to detect customers' buying behavior and predict future behavior

Market basket analysis

Which of the following uses a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationships in large volumes of information that predict future behavior and guide decision making

Data-mining tools

Which of the following encompasses all of the information contained within a single business process or unit of work, where its primary purpose is to support daily operational tasks

Transactional information

Which of the following is a disadvantage of database-stored information

Increased data redundancy

Which of the following would not be considered part of the accurate characteristic of high-quality information?

Is aggregate information in agreement with detailed information?

What is the smallest or basic unit of information

Data element

Which of the following represents a reason data warehouses were created

� Numbers and types of operational databases increased as businesses grew.
� Many companies had information scattered across multiple systems with different formats.
� Completing reporting requests from numerous operational systems took days or weeks.

What are the primary differences between a data warehouse and a data mart

Data warehouses have a more organizationwide focus; data marts have functional focus

Which of the following represents a reason an organization might encounter low-quality information

� Online customers intentionally enter inaccurate information to protect their privacy.
� Different systems have different information-entry standards and formats.
� Third-party and external information contains inaccuracies and errors.

What type of keys do you need to use to create a relational database model

Primary keys and foreign keys

What are the three common forms for mining structured and unstructured data

Cluster analysis, association detection, and statistical analysis

Which of the following is not a common form of data mining

Division organization

Which of the following are examples of analytical information

Future growth analysis, sales projections, and product statistics

What is another term for information cleansing

information scrubbing

Which of the following lists include all of the five characteristics common to high-quality information

Accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, and uniqueness

What are the two main objectives associated with data mining

Uncovering trends and patterns

A database maintains information on ___________


A data warehouse is a _________ collection of information, gathered from many different ___________ databases, that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks

Logical; operational

What is the technique used to divide information sets into mutually exclusive groups such that the members of each group are as close together as possible to one another and the different groups are as far apart as possible

Cluster analysis

In the relational database model, what is a person, place, thing, transaction, or event about which information is stored


Which of the following is not an example of an advantage of using a relational database

Decreased information security

Which of the following would not be considered part of the complete characteristic of high-quality information

Is each transaction represented only once in the information?

What is the role of a foreign key

It is a primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between the two tables.

What is a great example of using cluster analysis in business to create target-marketing strategies

Zip code segmentation

Why do relational databases use primary keys and foreign keys

To create logical relationships

Which of the following are examples of transactional information

Airline ticket, sales receipts, and packing slips

What compiles all of the metadata about the data elements in the data model

Data dictionary

The primary purpose of a data warehouse is to _____________

Combine strategic information

Which of the following is not one of the five characteristics common to high-quality information


Which of the following is not included as an information cleansing activity

Identifies sales trends

Which of the following illustrates the primary concepts of the relational database model

Entities, attributes, keys, and relationships

What is information that people use to support their decision-making efforts

Business intelligence

Which of the following techniques performs such functions as information correlations, distributions, calculations, and variance analysis

Statistical analysis

Which of the following would not be considered part of the unique characteristic of high-quality information

Is aggregate information in agreement with detailed information?

Which of the following encompasses all organizational information, where its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis tasks

Analytical information

What is a logical data structure that details the relationship among data elements using graphics or pictures

Data model

What is the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data alone

Data mining

What do data warehouses support

OLAP and analytical processing

Standardizing of data elements allows for ______________

Greater accuracy, completeness, and consistency

Which of the following contains a subset of data warehouse information

Data mart

Which of the following stores information about a person, place, thing, transaction, or event, and is usually referred to as a table


Which of the following systems allow users to create, read, update, and delete data in a relational database

Relational database management system

Which of the following is correct in reference to a database

A database can support many logical views

Which of the following occurs when the same data element has different values

Data inconsistency issue

What is a foreign key

A primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship among the two tables

Which of the following statements is true regarding customer information

� Customer information can exist in several operational systems.
� Customer information in each operational system could change.
� Customer information in each operational system can be different.

What is web mining

Unstructured data associated with websites to identify consumer behavior and website navigation

What encompasses all organizational information where its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis tasks

Analytical information

Which of the following creates, reads, updates, and deletes data in a database while controlling access and security

Database management system

What maintains information about various types of objects, events, people, and places
