COM 135 CHP 7,9

organization pattern

The method a speaker uses to arrange his/her main ideas is learned as the

Chronological pattern

Organizing ideas with a speech in which they occurred


tells audience what they need to consider when purchasing

cause and effect

speech that identifies a situation and then discuss the impact of the situation


present the most important or convincing idea first in the speech

soft to hard evidence

begins with opinions...inferences..scientific facts


words and gestures that allow you to move smoothly from one idea to another

verbal transition

words and phrases, "in addition," "in other words," and "therefore" are

nonverbal transition

a planned pause in a speech


telling main ideas to audience before you begin speech

standard outline form.

Conventional use of numbered and lettered heading and subheadings to indicate the relationships among parts of the speech is known as a

the main ideas.

In an outline, Roman numerals are used to indicate

This will help you judge the coherence of the speech.

According to the text, what is the purpose of using complete sentences in a preparation outline?

It points out relationships between ideas and supporting material.

What, according to your textbook, is the major benefit of using standard outline form?

use at least two subdivisions, if any, for each point

What is one of the features of the standard outline form?

edit the speech by reviewing the specific purpose—you may be trying to accomplish too much in the speech

Before presenting your speech in front of a full audience, you practice and discover that your speech is too long. What should be done?

As the speaker is practicing from the preparation outline and discovers that there is too much information.

When should a speaker edit their speech?

the introduction and the conclusion should each represent 10 percent of your speaking time.

A general rule of thumb when estimating the time frame for your introduction and conclusion is to remember that

should be brief and have speaking notes.

The delivery outline

Yes; it is fine to prepare your notes in any form as long as they make sense to you.

Marissa's speaking notes were filled with drawings, words, and symbols. Is this a fine method for creating speaking notes?