eng ch 1 test

writing on a timer without concern for correct wording, punctuation, or grammar.

tentative outline

a type of outline used for ideas, there is no formatting, just your thoughts

topic outline

only has words or phrases, no complete sentences or verbs except verbals

sentence outline

complete sentences with periods at the end

expository writing

explains analyses or informs about a subject

creative writing

characterized by expressiveness and imagination


the form or method of writing that you choose

four common mode types

descriptive-describes something, expository-informs about a topic, narrative-relates an event, persuasive-persuades the reader to do something

thesis statement

topic or main idea, you want the thesis to bring the readers in


groups of sentences closely related to one another and to the main idea

topic sentence

expresses the main idea of the paragraph

supporting sentence

develops or supports topic sentences

concluding sentence

summarized your main idea, ending of your paper


a way to recall a past event in the middle of the story

block arrangement

the writer devotes one paragraph to the characteristic of one item being compared and another paragraph to the characteristics of the second item

point-by-point arrangement

makes a statement about the first item then immediately follows with a statement about the second item


made up of several paragraphs that deal with the same idea

in class essay

may contain several paragraphs or just a single one where your thesis is the first paragraph and your conclusion is the last


the act of sharing your work with others

what is the first step to the writing process?


what is the second step to the writing process?


what is the third step to the writing process?


what is the last step to the writing process?


what are some of the ways you can find a topic to write about?

1. keep a list of ideas and topics and add to it occasionally2. ask yourself the six journalist questions before you start writing3. brainstorming a few ideas or topics that you could potentially write about4. take a few minutes to freewrite about whatever is in your head at the moment5. interview someone who is knowledgeable on a certain subject

after choosing a base topic, what must you do before you start to write?

1. narrow your topic to a more exact point instead of a general idea2. consider who is going to read it and how you are going to write it to them3. determine why you are writing the paper and find what you want your main purpose to be4. gather information and resources from reliable sources

what are the five main purposes for writing?

to analyze, to describe, to entertain, to inform, and to persuade

what is the order for the headings of an outline?

title (no markings) I. roman numeral under title A. capital letter under roman numeral 1. regular numbers under capital letters

should you submit your first draft as a final copy?

no, first drafts are meant to get your ideas out on paper. it should be looked through and corrected multiple times before being turned in

what are the different types of developmental strategies?

comparison/contrast, example, fact, incident/anecdote, quotation, reasons, sensory details, statistic, and visual aid

what are the different types of paragraph organization?

chronological order, partial order, order of importance, cause and effect order, and comparison and contrast order

what are some areas to consider when revising for ideas?

clarity of your purpose, amount of interest, unity of ideas, and coherence

what are some ideas to consider when revising for style?

make sure emphasis is on the right topics, your words should be precise, be concise and smooth, and don't overuse certain words or phrase

what are some areas to consider when proofreading?

sentence structure, correct grammar usage, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

what are some proofreading strategies?

read your draft multiple times, read slowly, read out loud or to someone else, read backwards, and read looking for certain problems

should your final draft have any corrections written out?

no, it should be neat and unwritten on.
