What geographic factor did Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, and China have in common?

All of them formed near rivers

The "land between two rivers" is called:


Name the writing systems:Egypt:Mesopotamia:

hieroglyphics, cuneiform

Name the surrounding river systems:Mesopotamia: Egypt: India: China (Shang Dynasty):

Tigris River and Euphrates RiverNile RiverIndus RiverHuang He (Yellow) River & Yangzi River

What is Hammurabi's Code and why was it created?

A law code created by the King of Babylon (Hammurabi) to create rules/punishments and establish order in the kingdom

What is a ziggurat?

A pyramid temple used to sacrifice gifts to the Gods

What was the Rosetta Stone and why was its discovery important?

A tablet found in the 1800s that helped to translate hieroglyphics into modern languages

How did the Hyksos change Egypt when they conquered it?

They introduced chariots and bronze weapons

What evidence suggests that the Indus Valley had a well-organized government?

The remains of their cities show that they were laid out in grids with underground sewer systems, which shows that they had a well-organized government with city planners

Most members of these ancient civilizations (especially Egypt) belonged towhich group (social class)?

Lower class (peasants, slaves, etc.)

What was China's most valuable export?


What are some theories explaining why the Indus Valley civilizationdisappeared?

Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods), rivers dried up,overplanting, attacks from nomadic invaders

In which period of Egypt were the Ancient Pyramids built?

Old Kingdom

What made Ancient China more isolated than other civilizations?

They were so far away and they had the most natural barriers (mountains, jungle, desert, rivers, ocean)

What was the first PROVEN dynasty of China?


Who is Ramses II?

Egypt's most powerful Pharaoh that signed the first known peace treaty

Who is Queen Hatshepsut?

grew Egypt's empire to its largest height up until thattime

What are the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible called?

The Torah

In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was regarded as a.....

God King

What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism?

Monotheism is the belief in one god, while polytheism is the belief in many gods

Jerusalem is the holy city for which religions?

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity

The two divisions of Islam are.....

Sunni and Shia

Who is considered the father of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?


What is Yin and Yang & what people look at it as a principle of life?

The belief that the universe is a balance between 2 forces (light and dark); originated in ancient China

Where do Muslims take a journey once in their lives?


What does nirvana mean?

Complete peace and happiness; can be achieved by eliminating attachment to worldly things

Curved area in the Middle East

Fertile Crescent

City & surrounding area with it's own government.


A form of government when the king/queen were their god


Where decisions were made by mostly government officials rather than a king


Tombs that were made to honor the dead ( The ones who could afford it or kings)


Egyptian tablet found used to decipher hieroglyphics

Rosetta Stone

A series of rulers from a single family


Fired Bones to answer questions from spirits

Oracle Bones

Rulers were only allowed to rule as long as they were effective/nothing bad happened

Mandate of Heaven

Trade Route between China + The Middle East

Silk Road

First Civilization


What empire was Hammurabi king of? What did he do?

Babylon; United Mesopotamia

triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers


What did king Menes do?

King of Upper Egypt and conquered lower Egypt- United them both.

Egyptian [person] that controlled trade, tax collection, & building of infrastructure


What was the book of the dead?

Book that helped Egyptians in the afterlife

the process of preserving the dead used in Egypt


plants that grew around the Nile used as paper


major citys of the Indus River Valley

Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro

Which one is the "darkness" ? (Yin or Yang)


What dynasty came after the Shang dynasty?

Zhou Dynasty