Russian Revolution and Leninism

February Revolution

The revolution against the Czarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March 1917

Provisional Government

A temporary government created by the Duma after the abdication of the czar; it made the decision to remain in World War One, costing it the support of the soviets and the people.

October Revolution

Bolsheviks led by LEon Trotsky and Lenin claimed power in name of the soviets and proclaimed a full-scale revolution with support of workers and troops

Russian Civil War

1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies (Reds vs. Whites)


The party which opposed to the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks wanted a democratic party with mass membership.


A group of revolutionary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia's government in November 1917

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Agreement in which Russia lost substantial territory to the Germans. This ended Russian participation in WWI.


Founded the Communist Party in Russia and set up the world's first Communist Party dictatorship. He led the October Revolution of 1917, in which the Communists seized power in Russia. He then ruled the country until his death in 1924.

New Economic Policy (NEP)

Initiated in 1921 by Lenin; combined the state establishing basic economic policies with individual initiative; allowed food production to recover with concepts of capitalism/


Emerged as the most famous socialist belief system during the 19th century. Saw all of history as the story of class struggle.


A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.


Revision of Marxism that argued that Russia would progress towards communism with the leadership of a single party


An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and desire of profit