Key Signature identification

F Major


B flat Major

Bb Eb

E flat major

Bb Eb Ab

A flat Major

Bb Eb Ab Db

D flat Major

Bb Eb Ab Db Gb

C Major


G Major


D Major

F# C#

A Major

F# C# G#

E Major

F# C# G# D#

B Major

F# C# G# D# A#

F# Major

F# C# G# D# A# E#

How do you find the major key of a key signatures with sharps?

Find the last sharp in the key signature, and go up a 1/2 step.

How do you find the major key of a key signature with flats?

Find the second to last flat in the key signature.

Which two key signatures do you have to memorize because the rules don't apply?

C and F Major

Order of Sharps


Order of Flats


How do you find the name of the minor key?

Go back two letters in the music alphabet.