American Explorations Assessment Reconstruction

Many Freedman resorted to this 'occupation' after the Civil War ended:


This Amendment 'prohibited denial of suffrage because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.' In other words, Black men now had the right to vote.

The 15th Amendment

This president's plan to bring states back into the Union after the war included amnesty to those who swore allegiance and that states could re establish their governments when 10% of their voters took an oath of allegiance:

Abraham Lincoln

Johnson used this Presidential power to try and dismantle the Freedman's Bureau:

The power of the Veto

Rutherford B Hayes became the President of the United States by one electoral vote in this election:

The election of 1876

This man was elected President of the United States in 1868.

US Grant

Congress proceeded with Impeachment charges after President Johnson violated this Act:

The Tenure of Office Act

The only other person who would have been able to be as awesome at being the President of the US as Abraham Lincoln is:

Chuck Norris

When Congress realized that the Southern states were not abiding by the new laws regarding Freedman, they passed this Act:

The First Reconstruction Act of 1867

This 'deal' made between Republicans and Democrats after the Election of 1876 essentially ended Reconstruction permanently.

The Compromise of 1877

This Amendment prohibited slavery in the United States:

The 13th Amendment

This Amendment conferred national citizenship on all persons born in America (and guaranteed equal protection under the law).

The 14th Amendment

This paramilitary group emerged in the South in response to the military presence federal soldiers had in the Southern States. Their goal was to use terror tactics to destroy Reconstruction.

The Ku Klux Klan

This man took over as President of the United States after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated:

Andrew Johnson

This organization was created to assist former slaves as they tried to transition from slavery to freedom:

The Freedman's Bureau

The only other person who would have been able to be as awesome at being the President of the US as Abraham Lincoln is:
