Another name for the Christian Scriptures is the ________. The Bible is composed in the following three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and small portion in _________.

Bible: Aramaic

By closely examining the OT literature, scholars have identified ______ major periods of literary activities in the OT. Sometimes this is referred to as the ___________ Theory/Hypothesis of OT development.

Four; Documentary

The first era of literary activity is often referred to as _____________ or ____ Tradition. It was probably composed between _____ and _____ BCE

Yahwist; J1000-950

Name four key characteristics of the J-tradition:

1. The name Yahweh is used for God.2. Elaborate stories are used.3. Promises to Abraham to give his descendants land.4. Used of the name Sinai to describe the mountain where God gave Moses the Law

The Elohist Tradition seems to have combined oral traditions of this kingdom, _______, and probably was composed around ____ to ____ BCE


Name four characteristic of the E Tradition:

1. Word Elohim for God2. Make God more remote3. Emphasis on fearing/reverencing4. The name Horeb for the mountain on which God revealed the Law to Moses

Most Old Testament scholars think that the "book of the law of the Lord" found during the cleansing of the temple during Josiah's reign was an early form the book of __________________


The Dueteronomic Tradition likely was composed between ____ and 580 BCE, and is closely tied to the reign of this King of Judah, __________


The Deuteronomic Tradition especially seems to have impacted the book of Deuteronomy and the shaping of the following OT books (Often called the Deuteronomic History):

1. Joshua2. Judges3. 1&2 Samuel4. 1&2 Kings

Three key emphases in and characteristics of the Deuteronomic Tradition are

a. Emphasis upon a Central Place of worship, and proper worship practices.b. Emphasis on being faithful to God's covenantc. Emphasis on Israel's and Judah's failure to be faithful

The Priestly tradition is thought to have arisen between ______ to _____ BCE, during the ______________ ________ of the people of Judah

550-440Babylonian Exile

Among five key characteristics of the Priestly Tradition are these:

a. Use of the word Elohim for God BEFORE Moses, and use of the name Yahweh for God AFTER Moses.b. Emphasis on ritual purity and right religious practice-including especially sacrifices and holiness requirementsc. Use of genealogies

Which group/school of writers is typically seen as the last great editors of the OT who likely shaped the Torah and Prophets into their final form?


What three books are especially associated with the Priestly school?

a. 1&2 Chroniclesb. Ezrac. Nehemiah

What is an anachronism?

Names or events or technologies from a later period of history are projected back into a story or account about an earlier time.

Name the two major ancient canons of the OT?

a. Hebrew Canonb. Greek Canon

What is the name of ancient Greek translation of the OT?

Alexandrian or Greek

What does the Greek word for "canon" mean?

Measuring rod

The Apocryphal books are generally accepted by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but rejected by the ________ Canon

Protostin (Christian)

The OT is a library of books, produced over a period of more than a ________ years, from 1200 BCE to _______ BCE


Name four key literary forms in the OT:

a. Narrativeb. Legal Materialsc. Poetryd. Wisdom Literature

Tullock compares the development of the OT to a river and its ______________


The first tiny streams of this river were the _______ ____________

Oral Tradition

Of these traditions, which story was most frequently told?

The most frequently told story was of God's marvelous delivery of their ancestors during the flight from Egypt.

According to Tullock, the various oral traditions of Israel were eventually brough together and put into writing. Two early literary tributaries emerged, one from the southern territories(Judah), the other from the northern territories(Israel). The primary name of for God in the southern tradition (J) was __________. The primary name for God in the northern tradition (E) was _______


The next major literary tributary was the _____________ material- often called D. What king of Judah was closely associated with this tradition? ________


According to Tullock, the final contributors to the OT literary river were the ______ of the ______ and post-______ periods. These writers largely shaped the OT into its current form


The word ________ is used to describe a collection of writings believed to be sacred by a religious community.


The three main sections of the Hebrew Canon are

1. 400 BCE - The Torah (Law)2. 200 BCE - The Nebi'im (Prophets)3. 100 BCE - The Kethubim (Writings)

Which of these three was first section of the OT to be accepted as canon?

The Kethubim

Name the five books of the Hebrew Torah


Name the two major divisons of the Prophets in the Hebrew Canon


Name three OT books found in the Kethubim


The ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible was called .....

The Septuagint (70)

The Greek canon added ____ books to the Hebrew Canon. Name two of these books:

151. Tobit2. Judith

Some Christian groups accept that many of theses books added by the Greek canon. One name given to his additional books is deuterocanonical. Another name given to them is _____________


Literary and historical studies are directed toward three basic concerns.


What is the most correct statement concerning archaeology and the Bible?

Archaeology can illuminate our understanding of the Bible

The Documentary hypothesis/Theory contends that the OT developed from four major traditions/sources. These are often named J, E, D, and P. Describe them

J: History using Yahweh as the principal name for God. Written in the time of Solomon or shortly there after.E: History using Elohim as the principle name for God, written about 750 BCED: History influenced by the finding of the Book of Deuteronomy during the reign of Josiah (550 BCE)P: History written by the priest adding legal materials related to worship and genealogical lists (450 BCE)

The Documentary or JEDP theory was first developed by Julius _________


Instead of emphasizing JEDP as completed documents, Hermann Gunkel shifted emphasis to the building blocks of these documents. This literary study is called ______ criticism


Redaction criticism studies how various OT sources were ________ into larger units. Here the idea is that OT writers edited older sources, adding their own emphasis to the older tradition


Which kind of scholarly study is concerned with identifying what the final editors/redactors of the entire OT wanted to tell the readers? __________________ Which kind of scholarly study is concern with the identifying the literary structure of individual books of the OT? ____________

Canonical criticismBible as literature

Match the following items:1. The priestly redactors A. Joshua-2Kings2. Deuteronomic editors B. Chron, Ezra, Nehemiah3. The Chronicler(s) C. Genesis-Numbers

1. C2. A3. B

Another name for the materials found in Joshua through 2 Kings is the ______________ History


Archaeology attempts to find out the truth about ancient cultures by studying the _______ _______ of those cultures

Material Remains

What is the archaeological term that describes the artificial mounds caused by centuries of multiple settlements each built on the ruins of the previous ones in a location?


What is the most famous and probably the most important biblical archaeological discovery of the 20th century? Dating the period ca. 250 BCE-50 CE, this discovery includes virtually all of the books of the OT ____ ___ _____

Dead Sea Scrolls

According to Tullock, there are two basic views of divine inspiration of the OT. First, is the view that says that every word of the text wad _______ by God. The second view claims that biblical inspiration is a process in which persons __________ the Divine in their everyday living and wrote down their _______ to this experience


Name the four major geographical areas of Palestine-

a. Costal Plainb. Central Highlandsc. Jordan Clift/Rift Valleyd. Transjordan Plaetu

Genesis is also divided into two sections. The first is called the __________ complex. The second is called the _______ complex.


Three important differences between the creation account of Genesis 1 and many ancient Near Eastern creation accounts are these:

a. God did not arise from Creation in the Genesis accountb. For God there is no struggle to bring order out of chaos in the Genesis account.c. The heavenly bodies were created in the view of other ancient Near Eastern people, but were merely creatures in the Genesis accounts.

This second Genesis account of Creation seems to use more human-like terms to describe God's creative activities. Such language is often called ___________ language. Give two examples of this from the Genesis 2 account:

Anthropomorphica. "Planted a Garden"b. "breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life

In the encounter on the mountain, God revealed the divine names to Moses. What was that name? __________ Give one possible meaning of this divine name:

YHWH"I am who I am, I will be who I will be, I cause to be what is

What was God's final plague upon the Egyptians and how did this event relate to the Hebrew festival of Passover?

Death of first born.Blood of lamb over door made death pass over their home and spare the first born

List the Ten Commandments

1. No other Gods before me2. Not make for yourself a graven image.3. Not take the name of God in vain.4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy5. Honor thy father and thy mother6. Not murder7. Not commit adultery8. Not steal9. Not bear false witness against your neighbor10. Not covet

The ten commandments have elements similar to those found in ____________ treaties of the Hittites


Three major codes of law are often noticed in the OT, these are...

The Covenant CodThe Deuteronomic CodeThe Priestly Code

Name the five major kinds of sacrifices described in the book of Leviticus:

a. Burnt whole offeringsb. Cereal offeringsc. Peace offeringsd. Sin offeringse. Guild offerings

Tullock see development and reinterpretation of the laws of Israel throughout the OT. Many see the book of Deuteronomy as the kind of updating or ___________ of the law to fit developing historical changes. According to this view, an early version of Deuteronomy likely was discovered or even written during the reign of king ___________ of Judah around 621 BCE


According to Joshua, the first city of the Promised Land to be conquered by Israel was ________


What does the phrase "corporate personality" mean?

The person was not seen as an individual more of a family unit

In the Hebrew Canon, the Former Prophets are composed of what four books?

Joshua Judges Samuel Kings

The Christian Canons divide these books into six books. Name them:

Joshua Judges 1&2 Samuel 1&2 Kings

Who did David kill using a sling?


After ruling for several years from Hebron, what city did David conquer and make his capital?


What did David do when he found out that Bathsheba was pregnant with his child?

He tried to convince Bathshebas husband, Uriah, that he was the father to be and when he wouldn't believe it he sent him back to the battle field with orders to the captain to have him killed.

Who confronted David with his sin?


Solomon built structures throughout Israel, perhaps the most important being ________. What Nation-Group supplied both wood and craftsmen for this structure?

TempleHiram, King of Tyria and Phoenicia

The United Kingdom divides into two kingdoms. The Southern Kingdom (Rehoboam) became known as ________. The Northern Kingdom (Jeroboam) was called _____________


Approximately, when did the United Kingdom divide into two?

922 BCE

Several terms are used to describe the prophets. Including:

a. Ro'eh and Hozeh which means "seers"b. Navi which means one who speaks.c. Ecstatics whose prophecies came through a strange experienced. Diviners who read signs of nature

On what Mountain did Elijah face of prophets, of Baal?

Mt. Carmel

Who was the last king to rule in Israel?


Shalmanester V of Assyria attacked ________ in 725 BCE, which eventually fell in 722 BCE

Samaria (Capital of Israel)

After Israel has been defeated, the Assyrians apparently removed and resettled the people of Israel. In turn, they apparently imported people from other regions of their empire. These persons apparently intermarried with the remaining Israelites and eventually became known ass ______________


God, the Lord, commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute named ?


Hosea's children were name:

a. Jezel- "God Sows"b. Lo-ruaman- "No mercy"c. Lo-amni- "Not my people

In what year did the kingdom of Israel divide into two kingdom?

922 BCE

King Josiah sought religious reform after a version of the law of Moses was found in the Temple. Most OT scholars believe this scroll contained much of what is now the book of ____________


Josiah's reform included

a. Ridding the land of pagan cults and the high placesb. Renewing the celebration of a great Passoverc. Centralizing all worship services in the Jerusalem Temple

In what year did Jerusalem first fall to the Babylonians, leading to the first deportation of Judah?

597 BCE

What famous prophet was deported to Babylon at this time?


In what year was Jerusalem destroyed by the Babylonians, leading to the second deportation?

586 BCE

Name two reasons many scholars believe the book/scroll of Isaiah was produced by several people over about three centuries:

1. Show signs of continued development2.

Much of Isaiah 1-39 seems to address and/or fit well with the _____________ crisis of the 8th century , while the experiences of the __________ Exile of the 6th century seem to best fit Isaiah


Jeremiah viewed ________ as God's instruments of judgment against Judah, preached a sermon against the ____________ in Jerusalem and was almost killed for his prophecies which were viewed as treasonous


In Jeremiah 7 and 26, Jeremiah warns the people not to "trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the Lord...'" Jeremiah was attacking the popular notion that the Lord would not _________ ___________ to be destroyed because the __________ was ________ there

Permit JerusalemTempleLocated

Jeremiah also spoke of a new _______, promising a time when the Lord's law would no longer be simply written on ________ tablets but would be written on the heart and would be the _________ way of life.


Hebrew poetry is especially concerned with the balancing of ideas, often repeating an idea, stating a ________ or opposite idea, or adding to the __________ _____. This way of relating ideas is often called _____________

ContraryOriginal IdeaParallelism

In 539 BCE _________ conquered Babylon and in ______ BCE he released in Israelites/Jews to return to ___________. In Isaiah 45, this Persian king is even referred to as the _______ one or ________


In 538 BCE, Jews returned to Palestine led by _____________, the principle of Judah and son of ___________. At this time, the foundation of the _________ were laid.

SheshbazzarJehoiachinNew Temple

Ezra sought two major reforms in Jerusalem. First, he insisted that Jewish men should not marry non-________ women. As a result, many Jewish men ______ their wives. Second, Ezra called upon the people to renew the _________ with God and celebrated the feast of __________


Nehemiah likely first went to Jerusalem around 445 BCE. Nehemiah oversaw the rebuilding of the _____ of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was a former ______ for the Persian king who was made ________ of Yehud (Judah) by that king.


The full canon of the OT seems to balance the harsh view of foreigner found in Ezra, Nehemiah and Deuteronomy with more open view in the stories of _________ and ________


Ezekiel was a ________ before he became a prophet


Ezekiel was deported to ________ in the year _____ BCE


In what year was Jerusalem finally destroyed by the Babylonians when?

587/586 BCE

In Ezekiel, Ezekiel sees a vision of the Lord in which the Lord is seated upon a ________ above four strange creatures. These creatures are called _________


One of the unique features of Second Isaiah is the _________ Songs. Tullock outlines the theme of each of the songs as follows:1. The Servants Mission2. The Servants ________3. The Servants ___________4. The Servants ______ and ______

ServantResponsibilitySubmissionTrial and Death

Many OT scholars identify the suffering servant to be a collective group-namely, the nation/people of ________. Even for those who see the Servant in this way there is debate whether the Servant metaphor represent Israel as a whole or the ______


While Isaiah second seems to emphasis an unbroken note of ______________, I said 56-66 seems to include both ______ and ________. In light of this, some speak of a _______-Isaiah while others contend that the same basic writer produced all of Isaiah 40-55


The people of Israel were the first people in the Fertile Crescent to develop wisdom literature/tradition? T/F


What are the two major types of wisdom literature in the OT?

Practical Wisdom and Philosophical or Speculative Wisdom

Which type of wisdom literature does the book of Proverbs fall under?


Which type of wisdom literature does Job and Ecclesiastes fall under?
