
The problem-solution pattern is explicitly designed to motivate the audience to act.


Reasoning that what is true in some instances or examples is true in all instances is an example of arguing by example.


The peripheral route to processing is a detailed, critical analysis of an argument.


when you evoke positive emotions, your audience will more carefully consider your proposition and arguments.


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the importance we attribute to an issue determines whether we use the central route or the peripheral route.


Todd notices that several audience members rolled their eyes during a portion of his speech. He adapts by saying "Now, you may think that what I've just said is ridiculous. I'd like you to hear me out as I next explain why I think this is a practical plan," and he continues with his speech. Todd's statement is an example of____

being responsive

A persuasive speech may attempt to change someone's _______.

all of the above

_______ is Aristotle's term for what we call emotional appeals.


Kara says to Sunny, "Did you hear Antonio's speech? I thought it was really good." Sunny replies, "How could you think he gave a good speech? He's such a dork! All he does is play video games. What a loser." Sunny's response is an example of _______.

an ad hominem fallacy

An organizational pattern that is especially useful when the issue is not that a problem needs to be solved but whether the solution is a good one is called _______.

comparative advantages

As you listened to a speech, you noted these points:II. Episodes portray the leading characters with great sensitivity.

a reason

If you support the point that Colorado ski resort towns have been seeing an increase in wildlife habitat loss with the argument that "There have been increased reporting of bear and deer in the downtown area," you would be _______.

arguing by sign

Which of the following statements regarding positive emotions is accurate?

audience members will try to sustain positive emotions

In a speech arguing that college tuition is far too expensive, you explain that there are high quality colleges in Canada that charge half the cost. This is an example of which kind of argument?

argument by analogy

Dorri presents two solutions to a problem as if they are the only two options when there are really many choices. Dorri is engaging in the _______ fallacy.


___ pattern is a five-point sequence that replaces the normal introduction-body-conclusion model and designed to stimulate the audience to act.

motivated sequence

A decision to buy a car based on an analysis of cost, comparative features, and frequency of repair would be a decision based on _______.


If the primary goal of a speech is to get the audience to behave a certain way, the speech can be considered to be organized by what pattern?

motivated sequence

Motivation may be defined as forces acting to _______.

direct behavior

A speech attempting to persuade you to buy a Ford rather than a Hyundai because of lower cost and better options uses a pattern of organization called

comparative advantages

If your audience is very much opposed to your speech goal, ____

you should only expect to move their opinion a little bit closer in your direction

As you listened to a speech, you noted these points:V. You find yourself really caring about what happens to the people involved in various incidents in the show.

evidence or support for a reason

An audience that has a positive attitude toward your speech goal _______.

should be asked to take action on the topic

Lucas knows that his audience will probably be opposed to his specific idea for how to address homelessness in his community, so he gives a speech instead on the criteria he thinks are important for a solution that addresses homelessness. This pattern is an example of _______.

criteria satisfaction

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding negative emotions?

people generally attempt to eliminate them as soon as possible

The organizational pattern that seeks audience agreement on criteria to consider when evaluating a particular idea, and then shows how the proposition the speaker is advocating satisfies the criteria, is called _______.

criteria satisfaction

When your audience is impartial, as opposed to apathetic or uninformed, you should _______.

provide them with more developed and involved evidence

If you noticed that your grades started going up after you started a protein shake regimen, and you suggested to a friend that you think protein shakes have made you smarter, you might be committing a fallacy of _______.

false cause

As you listened to a speech, you noted these points:I. You should watch ER.

a specific goal statement

When you are selecting evidence to support your speech claims, you should make sure that _______.

all of the above

A speech attempting to persuade you to support a gun control bill because guns are used in a high percentage of crimes, because gun control will lower the use of guns, and because this bill on gun control is better than previous bills, is organized by what pattern?


If you discover during your audience analysis that the costs associated with your proposition outweigh the incentives that you are offering, _______.

you should probably reconsider what you are asking the audience to do

If you support the proposition that "recycling rates have gone down on campus" by saying, "Students have been using recycling bins as trash containers," you would be _______.

arguing by causation

If, based on a discussion with two classmates, you stated to the instructor that "Many of the students in this class would like to have a take-home final," you would be committing a fallacy of _______.

hasty generalization

The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) suggests that _______.

when we go with our gut feeling, we are using the peripheral route