French Revolution Important Dates VCE

February 1781

Compte Rendu- first public account of France's financial situation published

22 February 1787

Assembly of Notables convened by Calonne, dismissed 8 April

15 August 1787

Parlement of Paris exhiled to Troys for refusing to register reforms

7 June 1788

Day of Tiles in Grenoble- civilians throwing Tiles at the soldiers who had come to arrest the magistrates.

January 1789

Cahiers de Doleance and What is the third Estate?

28 April 1789

Reveillon Riots- under attack due to rumours that Reveillon was trying to cut wages when he was trying to lower price of bread.

1 May 1789

Opening of the Estates- General

17 June 1789

Third Estate and a few clergy declares themselves the National Assembly. no initial action from king- tacit acceptant.

20 June 1789

NA's meeting place closed in preparation for the Royal Session (23 June). 'Oath of the Tennis Court'

11 July 1789

Jacques Necker is dismissed

14 July 1789

Fall of the Bastille- saved the revolution and work of NA.

July- August 1789

The Rural Revolt +The Great Fear

4 August 1789

Night of Patriotic Delirium- abolition of Feudal privileges

5-11 August 1789

August Decrees

27 August 1789

Deceleration of the Rights of Men and Citizens

5-6 October 1789

October days- Women's March to Versailles. Bring back King and family to Versailles +force Louis to pass legislation

12 July 1790

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

27 November 1790

Clerical Oath- all clergy must swear oath of loyalty to the state and Constitution

20-25 June 1791

Flight to Varennes

17 July 1791

Champs de Mars Massacre

1 October 1791

Legislative Assembly

20 April 1792

France declares war on Austria

20 June 1792

First invasion of the Tuileries/ Journee of 20 June

11 July 1792

La patrie en danger

10 August 1792

Second invasion of the Tuileries/Storming of th Tuileries. Louis imprisoned

2-5 September 1792

September Massacres in prisons of Paris

21 September 1792

opening of National Convention. France now a Republic

21 January 1792

Louis Capet executed

6 April 1792

Committee of Public Safety established