Sophomore Bible Test #1

The Bible is a collection of __ documents (books) inspired by God.


In what language was the Old Testament written?


The old Testament closes about ____ years before Christ.


How long was the Era of the Judges?

350 years

The three kings of Israel's United Kingdom were Saul, David, and ___________.


How many documents are in the Old Testament?


In what language was the New Testament written?


The 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the New testament were broken by the arrival of ___________________.

John the Baptist

The old Testament is a history of what nation?


The new Testament focuses on the person of __________.


The book of Matthew looks at Jesus through the perspective of His ___________.


The book of Acts records the establishment of the church in Judea, Samaria, and the _____________.

Roman Empire

The New Testament closes with the book of _______________.


The book of Revelation ends with Christ's return, followed by the millennial reign, and then the ____________

Final Judgement

To gather His chosen ones, God must redeem them from _______________.


A major point of emphasis in the Bible is to show the ____________ of God.


Another purpose throughout the Bible is to express the judgement of ________ and disobedience.


God also wants to demonstrate in His Word how He blesses ______and obedience.


Another major point of emphasis of the Bible is to show mankind his need for a _________ by whose righteousness sinnners can be forgiven and declared just.


The Bible also speaks of a coming ___________ where God will reign eternally.


______________ is an example of how God has revealed Himself.

The Bible

Grace means that sin is not held against the ___________.


Who was the one qualified to serve as a substitute to die in the sinner's place?


What was the first book of the Bible to mention that God would send a Savior for man's sins?


Jesus fulfulled all righteousness by his perfect life, and fulfilled justice by his ________________.


Satan wasn't to discredit God's word by getting us to think that it is not true. Who was the first person on which Satan used this method of attack?


God's word declares that it is __________ meaning without error and is __________ meaning that it will not fail and that it is trustworthy.

inerrant, infallible

What does God want to reveal in His Word?


What moved or inspired the men who wrote the books in the Bible to write what they wrote?

Holy Spirit

The Bible was written over a period of ________ years.


God used about _________ different men to write the 66 books contained in the Bible.


Three criteria were used to determine whether a boook was canon (divinely written). The first test was if the book had been written by a recognized ______________ or apostle (or one closely associated with them).


The second criteria for determining if a book was God's word; the book could not ________ with any other recognized book of the Bible.


The third criteria, the book had to have a general consensus by the ________as an inspired book.


The Old Testamnet translated in Greek is known as the ______________.


What is the name of the collection of 14 books that were added to the Septuagint, but have not been accepted as the Word of God?


What documents were discovered in 1947-1956 that date back to 200 BC, and help us know that the Old Testament has not been changed?

Dead Sea Scrolls

What was the first person to make the first English translation of the whole Bible?

John Wycliffe

What verses were written by the apostle John which warns agaist adding to or taking away from what i written in the Bible?

Revelations 22:18-19

Who said in 1521, " conscience in captive to the Word of God...God help me! Here I stand.

Martin Luther

The Bible is a source of God's blessing when __________. "But He said, 'More than that, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.'


The first step in Bible study is ____________, which requires a plan of approach.


Making the Bible say what we want it to say is often a problem in ______________, the second step of Bible study.


Gaps to bridge in Bible study include learning about the language, culture, geography, and ____________ of the time when the Bible was written.


Another important step in Bible study is applying, which is asking how do the divine truthes and principles deal with me in my attitude and actions.


The first five books of the Old Testament are called the _______________, which means "five scrolls".


The book of Genesis describes the ___________ God made with Abraham, which was a 3-fold promise to give him descendants, land, and blessing.


The books of Exodus and Leviticus focus more on the blessing of _________________ with God.


In the book of Leviticus, God prescribes to Moses the ceremonial law that told Israel how they must ____________ their Hold Lord.


The Israelites spent ____ years in the Wilderness because of their rebellion against God.