
The geography of the North American continent was fundamentally shaped by the glaciers of the Great Ice Age


North America was first settled by people who came by boat across the waters of the Pcific Strait from Japan to Alaska


The early Indian civilizations of Mexico and peru were built on th eeconomic foundations of cattle and wheat growing


Most North American Indians lived in small, seminomadic agricultural and hunting communities


Many indian cultures like the Iroquois traced descent through the female line


No euroeans had ever set foot on the American continent prior to Coumbus' arrival in 1492


A primary motive for the European voyages of discovery was the desire to find a less expensive route to asian goods and markets


The beginnings of African slavery developed in response to the Spanish conquest of the Americas


Columbus immediately recognized in 1492 that he had come across new continents previously unknown to Europeans


The greatest effect of the European intrusion on the indians of the Americas was to increase the Indian population through intermarriage with the whites


Spanish gold and silver from the Americas fuelds inflation and economic growth in Europe


The Spanish conquistadores had little to do with the native peoples of Mexico and refused to intermarry with them


The spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs because they came from a more sophisticated, urban civilization


Spain expanded its empire into Florida and new mexico partly to block French and English intrustions

The appalachians

The geologically oldest mountains in North America

were divided into many diverse cultures speaking more than two thousand different languages

The Indian Peoples of the Americas

the American Revolution

The Iroquois Confederacy remained a strong political and military influence until

The christian crusades who brought back a taste for the silks and spices of Asia

One of the important factors that first stimulated European interest in trade and discovery was

Foodstuffs such as maize, beans and tomatoes

Among the most important American Indian products to spread to the Old World were

Maise, beans and squash

The primary staples of indian agriculture were

Twenty Million

The number of indians in North America at the time Columbus arrived was approximately

the Norse

Before Columbus arrive, the only Europeans to have visited North America, temporarily, were

the Atlantic sugar islands

ThePortugesewere the first to enter the slave trade and establish large-scale plantations using slave labor in

national unification and explusion of the Muslim Moors

Much of the impetus for Spanish exploration and pursuit of glory in the early 1500s came from spain's recent

rise of centralized national monarchies such as that of Spain

A crucial political development that paved the way for the European colonization of America was

the Indians lack of resistance to european diseases such as smallpox and malaria

The primary reason for the drasatic decline in the Indian population after the encounter with the Europeans

the Aztec rule Montezuma believed that Cortes was a god whoe return had been predicted

Cortes and his men were able to conquer the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan partly because


The primary early colonial competitor with Spain in the Americas was

the Black Legend

The belief that the Spanish only killed, tortured, and stole in the Americas, while contributing nothing good is called

The Great Ice Age

Extended period when glaciers coverd most of the north American continent


Staple crop that formed the economic foundation of Indian civilizations


Important Mississippian culture site, near present-day East St. Louis, Illinois


First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa, portugal


Flourishing West African kingdome that had its capital and university at Timbuktu


Mistaken term that the first European explorers gave to American lands because of the false belief that they were off the coast of Asia


Animal introduced by Europeans that transformed the Indian way of life on the Great Plains


One of the major European diseases that devastated Native American populations after 1492 (Malaria, yellow fever)


Disease originating in the Americas that was trasmitted back to Europeans after 1492

Treaty of Tordesitlas

Treaty that proclaimed a spanish title to lands in the Americas by dividing them with Portugal


Wealthy capital of the Aztec empire


person of mixed European and Indian ancestry

Pope's Rebellion

Indian uprising in New mexico caused by Spanish efforts to suppress indian religion


Indian people of the Rio Grande Valley who were cruelly oppressed by the Spanish conquerors


Roman Catholic religious order of friar that organized a chain of missions in California

Ferdinand and Isabella

Financiers and beneficiaries of Columbus's voyages to the New World


Female Indian Slave who served as interpreter for Cortes


Legendary Founder of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy


Wealthy capital of the Aztec empire

Dias and de Gama

Portuguese navigators who sailed around the African coast

St. Augustine

Founded in 1565, the oldest continually inhabited European settlement in United States territory

John Cabot

Italian-born navigator sent by English to explore North American coast in 1498


Italian-born explorer who thought that he had arrived off the coast of Asia rather than on unknown continents


Powerful Aztec monarch who fell to Spanish conquerors

Cortes and Pizarro

Spanish conquerors of great Indian civilizations

Junipero Serra

Franciscan missionary who settled California

Lake Bonneville

Inland sea left by melting glaciers whose remanant is the Great Salt lake

Cause - The Great Ice Age

Exposure of a "land bridge" between Asia and North America

Cause - Cultivation of corn (maize)

The formation of large, sophisticated civilizations in Mexico and South America

Cause - New sailing technology and desire for spices

European voyages around Africa and across the Atlantic attempting to reach asia

Cause - Portugals creation of sugar plantations on Atlantic coastal islands

The rapid expansion of the African slave trade

Cause - Columbus' first encounter with the New World

A global exchange of animals, plans and diseases

Cause - Native Americans lack of immunity to small pox, malaria, and yellow fever

A decline of 90% in the New World Indian population

Cause - The Spanish conquest of large quantities of New World Gold and Silver

Rapid expansion of global economic commerce and manufacturing

Cause - Aztec legends of a returning god, Quetzalcoatl

Cortes relatively easy conquest of Tenochtitlan

Cause - The Spanish need to protect Mexico against French and English encroachment

Establishment of spanish settlements in Florida and New Mexico

Cause - Franciscian friars desire to convert Pacific coast Indians to Catholicism

Formation of a chain of mission settlements in California

Appalachians and Rockies

Two major mountain chains that border the great mid continental basin drained by the Mississippi River System

The Ice Age

Geological event that explains the formation of the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River system, Columbia Snake River System and Great Salt Lake

How did the Ice Age isolate the human population of the Americas from that of Asia

Humans from Asian followed animals as they crossed the Bering Strait in search of food to the Americas. The Bering Strait was crossable when sea levels were low.

Indian populations earliest migrations across North American

From Northwest to South and East

Balboa, Cortes, Columbus, Pizarro

Spanish explorers never visited the territory that became the United States

Quivira and Mission San Antonio

1542-1823 - what are the two eastern most Spanish settlements on the norther frontier of Spanish Mexico


First explorer of the Pacific Ocean

Treaty of Tordesillas

Portuguese were allotted one-tenth of North America