The Great Depression

The Great Depression

the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the u.s. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.

Stock Market

an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers and where company stocks are bought and sold.

Black Tuesday

October 29th, 1929: the day when prices in the stock market took a steep dive, plunging over $10 million dollars.

Herbert Hoover

was the president of the u.s from 1923-1933 leader of the us in the beginning of the great depression. he didn't want the gov involved in the peoples lives and thought that the people should express their individual rights.

Buying on Margin

the purchasing stock with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

A tax on imported goods. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of June 1930 raised U.S. tariffs to historically high levels.


shanty towns that the unemployed built in the cities during the early years of the depression; the name given to them shows that the people blamed hoover directly for the depression.

Dust Bowl

the geographic area, including the Texas panhandle, hardest hit by the drought during the 1930s where the soil was so dry it blew away in great clouds of dust.

Franklin Roosevelt - FDR

a democrat who became united states president in 1933; his program to alleviate the problems of the great depression became known as the "new deal" and he remained president through WWII.

New Deal

series of new laws and programs introduced by president Roosevelt during depression to create jobs and improve the economy. things like P.W.A. and W.P.A.

Fireside Chat

the informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up. it was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression.

Civilian Conservation Corps

the CCC was a new deal program created by the unemployment relief act. It provided employment in government camps for 3 million men. The work they were involved in included reforestation, fire fighting, flood control, and swamp drainage.

Second New Deal

second group of laws that created social programs that helped common people during the depression.

The Great Depression

the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the u.s. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.

Stock Market

an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers and where company stocks are bought and sold.

Black Tuesday

October 29th, 1929: the day when prices in the stock market took a steep dive, plunging over $10 million dollars.

Herbert Hoover

was the president of the u.s from 1923-1933 leader of the us in the beginning of the great depression. he didn't want the gov involved in the peoples lives and thought that the people should express their individual rights.

Buying on Margin

the purchasing stock with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

A tax on imported goods. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of June 1930 raised U.S. tariffs to historically high levels.


shanty towns that the unemployed built in the cities during the early years of the depression; the name given to them shows that the people blamed hoover directly for the depression.

Dust Bowl

the geographic area, including the Texas panhandle, hardest hit by the drought during the 1930s where the soil was so dry it blew away in great clouds of dust.

Franklin Roosevelt - FDR

a democrat who became united states president in 1933; his program to alleviate the problems of the great depression became known as the "new deal" and he remained president through WWII.

New Deal

series of new laws and programs introduced by president Roosevelt during depression to create jobs and improve the economy. things like P.W.A. and W.P.A.

Fireside Chat

the informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up. it was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression.

Civilian Conservation Corps

the CCC was a new deal program created by the unemployment relief act. It provided employment in government camps for 3 million men. The work they were involved in included reforestation, fire fighting, flood control, and swamp drainage.

Second New Deal

second group of laws that created social programs that helped common people during the depression.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression

The Great Depression

Stock Market

The Great Depression

Black Tuesday

The Great Depression

Herbert Hoover

The Great Depression

Buying on Margin

The Great Depression

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

The Great Depression


The Great Depression

Dust Bowl

The Great Depression

Franklin Roosevelt - FDR

The Great Depression

New Deal

The Great Depression

Fireside Chat

The Great Depression

Civilian Conservation Corps

The Great Depression

Second New Deal