Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment

Scientific Revolution

A major shift in thinking between 1500 and 1700 in which modern science emerged as a new way of gaining knowledge about the natural world

Nicolaus Copernicus

Proposed the heliocentric theory that put the sun in the center of the earth with the planets traveling around the sun.

Johannes Kepler

Improved upon Copernicus's theory by showing that the planetary orbits were ellipses (ovals) not circles; wrote mathematical laws describing the movement of the planets


having the sun at the center


having Earth at the center


was forced by the church court known as the Inquisition to swear that the geocentric theory was true


Italian astronomer and mathematician who built his own telescope and found four moons revolving around Jupiter

Isaac Newton

Discovered the laws of gravity

microscope, barometer, thermometer, telescope

four "key" inventions of the Scientific Revolution


an informal meeting place where ideas are exchanged

The Enlightenment

a new age of reason in which people discussed how governments and social institutions could be based upon rational understanding

Thomas Hobbes

Englishman who wrote that human beings are naturally cruel, selfish and greedy.

Thomas Hobbes

Believed that there should be absolute (unlimited) rule by kings

John Locke

Believed in constitutional monarchy

constitutional monarchy

a form of government in which the monarch's (king's) power is limited by a basic set of laws (constitution)

natural rights

rights that belong to people simply because they are human beings

John Locke

Believed that a government should be overthrown by the people if it fails to protect their rights

Baron de Montesquieu

Famous for the idea of having three branches of government so that no one branch may have too much power

Baron de Montesquieu

known for the concept of "separation of powers


believed in religious tolerance and freedom of speech

Cesare Beccaria

believed that punishment should fit the crime, in speedy and public trials, and that capital punishment should be done away with completely

capital punishment

putting someone to death (the dealth penalty)

Declaration of Independence

John Locke's ideas regarding natural rights and the purpose of government are echoed in this U.S. document

U.S. Bill of Rights

This U.S. document protects freedom of speech and religion as championed by Voltaire.

Madame Geoffrin

Prominent sponsor of "salons" in France

Abigail Adams

Advised her prominent husband not to forget women when she stated, "Women will not hold ourselves bound to any Laws in which we have no voice.

Olympe de Gouges

Branded a traitor and sent to the guillotine in France for attempting to organize women. Said that women should have the right to vote, hold office, own property, and serve in the military.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Called for reforms (changes) to give women the same education as men.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

The first person to see bacteria through a microscope


The belief that reason (logical thought) can be used to discover basic truths about the world.