nationalism" is best defined as

strong devotion to one's country

which countries made up the Triple aliance in 1907?

Great Britain, France&Russia

why were the Balkans known as the "powder keg" of Europe in the early 1900s?

it had endured more than 400 years of ethnic and political conflict

the assassination of which leader led to the outbreak of World War 1?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What did Russia, a largely Slavic nation, do after Austria-Hungary declared war on the Slavic nation of Serbia?

prepare to send troops to support serbia

the quotation, was spoken to the U.S. president in 1914, after the Austrian archduke was assassinated by a serbian student. the quotation was spoken by a diplomat from


why did Germany have a geographic disadvantage at the start of WW1?

it was bordered by enemies on two fronts.

germany's schlieffen plan for military attack was to

attack france in the west before russia in the east had a chance to mobilize

after the battle of marine in 1914, german forces realized that victory

on the western front would not be quick

trench warfare in WW1 was characterized by

heavy casualties and little territorial gain

during WW1, Russias main strength was its

large number of soldiers

in november 2003, workers digging to build a highway near Ypres, Belgium, uncovered a network of shallow passages and found skeletons in WW1-era uniforms, newspapers, dishes and other items. the finding is most likely

a site of trench warfare

what conclusion can be drawn from these data about casualties in WW1?

the Allies had a lower casualty rate than the Central Powers

which reason for Alied victory is supported?

greater number of troops

what is one reason why millions of european and russian civilians died during WW1?

much of the fighting took place in europe and russia

civilian casualties in WW1 were

increased by disease and starvation

which country recruited colonial troops from india in WW1?


after WW1, some colonies that had participated made demands for independence primarily because

colonists felt entitled to citizenship because they had served in the military

stories of german atrocities in belgium were used as propaganda, meaning that the stories were used to

make the german look worse than they were

which statement best describes the existence of atrocities during WW1?

both sides justified the use of harsh tactics to achieve their military goals

the armenians in turkey were a minority group partly because they were


the ottoman empire was ruled by

the turks

what was the political position of the Armenians at the beginning of WW1?

they supported the Allies

how did the international community respond to Turkey's actions against the armenians?

it condemned turkey but did not fight to save the armenians

what is the main reason that armenians rejected the league of nations?

they feared it could lead to future U.S. involvement in european wars

what was italy promised?

promised land where many italians lived along the austria-hungary&italian border

what was the impact of the arrival U.S. troops?

-french U.S. soldiers boost Allied morale, hurt German morale -U.S. supplies&unlimited resources helped Allies win

who had the most casualties?


why did 21 million people die?


why was russia held out of peace talks?

-communist government -had dropped out of WW1Treaty of Brest-Litorick

why didnt they give italy all it was promised?

-hadnt made much difference -italy wasnt that important

why did they punish&weaken Germany so it cant start another war?

-france wanted revenge&britain went along

what helped allies break through WW1?

involvement of the american powers

effect of militarism?

made military alliences

what got russia out of the war?

treaty of brest-livok

by the time the u.s. entered the war it was mainly on the..

western front

main motivation finally forced central powers to surender was..

that they didnt have enough resources to fight americans

schleiffen plan was to what?

attack France in the west before it could mobilize

germany joined the triple alliance to protect themselves from who?



fall of the roman empire


magna carta




french rev


english bill of rights


napoleons fall


karl marx




american rev


protestant ref


u.s. entered war

allies consisted of who?

britain, france, russia+u.s.&italy

central powers consisted of who?

germany, ottoman empire, austria-hungary, bulgaria

first genocide....

in ottoman empire-targeted armenians(minority&christian)


restricting amount of goods avaliable to ensure that the military had what it needed


intentional&brutal treatment of people, inhumane


intentional killing of a specific group supported by the government

who wrote the blank check?


who was the blank check written to?



no outright military victory(who can outlast the other side)

president woodrow wilson

u.s. 14 point speech, "war to end all wars", self-determination&league

czar nicholas 2

last emperor of russia, romonav, family executed

emperor (kaiser) william 2

ruler of germany, blank check, declared war on russia&france

general schlieffen

plan to avoid two front war