Aristotle's Poetics


The critical moment of recognition or discovering, preceding peripeteia


Magnanimous pride, courage, spine of a fish, ridge of a mountain, ear of wheat


sudden disaster, overturning the event that switches the plot from ascending to descending action


discharge or cleaning of pent up emotions


tragic flaw


excessive and selfish pride, arrogance


pity and fear


a sudden turn of events, reversal in action, sudden change, a falling

aristole's definition of tragedy

the imitation of an action that is SERIOUS and has MAGNITUDE, complete in itself. In language with pleasurable accessories, each kind brought separately in the parts of the work; in a dramatic, NOT in a narrative form; incidents arousing from PITY and FEAR, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions

parts of tragedy

1. prologue 2. episodes 3. exode 4. choral portions (parode ends the prologue, stasimon separates episodes, commos (lamentation), paeans (prayers)

perfect plot

single not double issue, change in hero's fortunes must be NOT FROM MISERY TO HAPPINESS but HAPPINESS -> MISERY, cause of the hero's change must lie NOT IN ANY DEPRAVITY but in some GREAT ERROR ON HIS PART.