US History Documents to Know

Magna Carta

A legal document written by English lords in 1215 that stated certain rights and limited the power of the King

English Bill of Rights

a 1689 document that guaranteed the rights of English citizens

Mayflower Compact

Agreement made by Pilgrim settlers in 1620 that ensured self government by majority rule

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

First Constitution written in America - limited the governor's power in Connecticut, allowed non church members to vote

Declaration of Independence

Document declaring the 13 American colonies independent of Great Britain, written mainly by Thomas Jefferson, and adopted on July 4, 1776.

Articles of Confederation

A weak constitution that governed America during the Revolutionary War. States had most of the power. Weaknesses-no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade

Declaration of Sentiments

petition for women's rights modeled on the Declaration of Independence that stated "all men and women are created equal." Seneca Falls Convention 1848

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution, containing a list of individual rights and liberties.

U.S. Constitution

Document that consists of seven articles that provide a workable framework for our federal government.

First Amendment

RAPPS--Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, Speech.

Thirteenth Amendment

abolished slavery everywhere in the United States

Fourteenth Amendment

defined citizens as all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including those who had been slaves

Fifteenth Amendment

a constitutional amendment that gave African American men the right to vote

Emancipation Proclamation

an order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union

Monroe Doctrine

A declaration by President James Monroe in 1823 that warned European powers to keep out of the Western Hemisphere and in return the United States would not intervene in the internal affairs of Europe.

Washington's Farewell Address

Address to the people of the United States from George Washington that warned the US to avoid political parties, beware of sectionalism, and avoid permanent foreign alliances

Northwest Ordinance

A policy of establishing the principles and procedures for the orderly expansion of the United States. Set up the process by which new states are added to the US

Federalist Papers

a series of 85 essays that defended and explained the Constitution and tried to reassure Americans that the states would not be overpowered by the proposed national government

Kentucky Resolution

written by Jefferson; introduced nullification; states have right to judge laws made and if be, declare laws null and void

Missouri Compromise

a series of agreements passed by Congress in 1820-1821 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states. Organized by Henry Clay. Missouri as a slave state & Maine as a free state. Limited slavery in the Louisiana Territory to south of 36°30'N

Compromise of 1850

California admitted as a free state, popular sovereignty in New Mexico and Utah, Fugitive Slave Law, Texas is given $10 million, slave trade banned in Washington, D.C., Texas border with New Mexico resolved.