The Enlightenment


Edited the "Encyclopedia


Wrote the "Spirit of Laws


Wrote "Candide


Wrote "The Social Contract


This was used to criticized the government, the Church, and society


Described "perfect" government


Championed freedom of thought and religion


Believed in popular sovereignty


Belief that the truth can be determined solely by logical thinking


Period in the 1700s when philosophers believed that they could apply the scientific method and use reason to explain human nature logically.

Enlightened Despotism

System of government in which absolute monarchs ruled according to the principles of the Enlightenment

Absolute Monarch

System of government in which the ruler determines policy without consulting either the people or the representatives


Gathering of the social, political, and cultural elite in France during the Enlightenment.


A group of thinkers or philosphers of the Enlightenment

Marie Thérèse Geoffrin

Hostess of one of the salons


City that was the center of intellectual activity during the Enlightenment

Thomas Hobbes

wrote "Leviathan


wrote "Second (Two) Treaties of Government

life, liberty, and property

Locke believed that you kept these rights

English Civil War

Event that influenced Hobbes

Glorious Revolution

Event that influenced Locke

Popular Sovereignty

Governmental principle based on just laws and on a government created by and subject to the will of the people.


Believed in the idea of popular sovereignty


Believed in Separation of Powers and Check and Balances


He influenced Enlightened Despots in Eastern Europe


Attacked injustice among nobility, government, church and believed in religious freedom

Jean d' Alembert

Co-edited the "Encyclopedia

Mary Wollstonecraft

Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Mary Wollstonecraft

Called for equal rights and education for woman

Frederick II

Enlightened despot who ruled Prussia

Catherine II

Enlightened despot who ruled Russia

Joseph II

Enlightened despot who ruled Austria

Joseph II

Enlightened despot who eliminated torture and the death penalty

Catherine II

Enlightened despot who drafted Russian constitution but never put it into practice

Catherine II

Enlightened despot who increased serfdom

Federick II

Enlightened despot who ordered elementary education for all children

Thomas Hobbes

He believed that once people entered into a social contract, they could not rebel and that the monarch had right to put down rebellion


Believed that society began in anarchy and needed a absolute monarch to maintain a orderly society