Baptism Chapter

Actual Sin

A though, word, or omission contrary to God's eternal Law. It is an act done by humans who know fully that what they are doing is wrong.


The practice of Baptizing by means of pouring water over the head of the baptized


Forty days after his Resurrection, the entry of Jesus' humanity into divine glory


The first of the Seven Sacraments that gives access to the other sacraments

Baptism of Blood

One who suffers death for the sake of the Faith, without having been baptized, is "baptized" by his or her death for and with Christ.

Baptism of Desire

For those who stive to serve God as best they are able but die before having been baptized, their implicit desire to receive baptism


From the Greek for "one being instructed." This new convert is being instructed in the Christian Faith before Baptism.


The instruction and formation of the catechumens, those being prepared for baptism.

Communion of Saints

The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died, especially the unity of faith and charity through the Eucharist.


The disordered human appetites or desires which remain even after Baptism due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and which constitute an inclination to sin. This is often used to refer to desire resulting from strong sensual urges or attachment to things of the world.

Conditional Baptism

Is administered when there is a doubt that Baptism was validly conferred and so is done "conditionally," that is, on the condition that the sacrament was not previously received.


An early Christian writing of unknown authorship. It summarizes morality as a choice between the path of life and the path of death, liturgical practice, and disciplinary norms.

Domestic Church

An ancient expression for the Christian family. The family manifests and lives out the communal and familial nature of the Church as the family of God.

Easter Vigil

The great celebration that takes place after sundown on Holy Saturday before Easter Sunday.


Another name for the Sacrament of Baptism. Those who receive catechetical instruction are enlightened in their understanding. The person baptized has been enlightened becming a son or daughter of light.


An aramaic word that means literally " be opened!" It is the word that Jesus spoke when he cured a deaf-mute.

Ex Opere Operato

A latin phrase that means literally "by the very fact of the action's being performed.


The public and authoritative act of the Church to protect or liberate a person, place, or object from the power of the devil (demonic possession) in the name of Christ.


The sponsor of one who is baptized. A godparent assumes the responsibility to assist the newly baptized child or adult in the practice of the Christian faith.


A method of baptizing whereby the whole person is submerged in water. The Catholic rite of Baptism provides for Baptism by immersion or affusion (infusion).


Being made right (righteous) with God. It is a free and undeserved gift of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Moral Evil

Evil consequences or suffering that is a direct effect of sinful behavior.

Prefigure (Type)

An event or person in Scripture that points forward to a later event or person.

Profession of Faith

A synthesis or summary of the Faith professes by Christians. Professions of faith are also known as "Symbols of Faith" or "Creeds," derived from the latin credo, meaning "I believe.

Sacramental Character (Seal)

An indelible mark imprinted on the soul by the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders that gives the Christian a greater share in the priesthood of Christ.


A baptized, confirmed, and practicing Catholic who presents a child or adult for Baptism or Confirmation (and professes the Faith in the case of an infant).

Trinitarian Formula

Part of the form use in the Sacrament of Baptism: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


The particular plan or calling that God has for each indiviual in this life and hereafter. All people have a vocation to love and serve God and are called to the perfection of holiness.

When Christ instituted Baptism

At his baptism and after his Resurrection.

Matter of Baptism


Form of Baptism

I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Minister of Baptism

Bishop, Priest, or Deacon

Three Missions of Christ

Priest, Prophet, and King

Statement of Faith during Baptismal Promises

I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.

Who can receive baptism?


John 3:5

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

St. Francis Xavier

Instructed others who had fallen away from the faith and baptized new converts.

Four Periods of RCIA

1. Period of Inquiry 2. The Catechumenate 3. Period of Purification and Enlightenment 4. Celebration of Sacraments and Post-Baptismal Catechesis

Meaning of the word "Baptism

To plunge or immerse

Three Characteristics of Seal of Baptism

Indelible marks - distinguishing character, character of responsibility, and configuration.

Requirement for Infant Baptism

Parents and godparents guide you in your faith

Requirement for Adult Baptism

Faith in God