Dance As An Artform (American modern dance)

Ruth St. Denis

danced in vaudeville shows. interest in eastern dance and drama inspired by egyptian cigarette ad.

Indian nautch dance

inspired St. Denis. intricate traditional dance focused on exotic and oriental themes and movement

Ted Shawn

dance partner and husband of st. denis. opened Denishawn.


toured American and Asia. different venues, vaudeville. dance for general public.

Interpretive Dance

translates feelings and emotions, human condition, situations, fantasies into movement and dramatic expression. ethnic movements into modern expressions. exploration of origin.

Music Visualization

music dictates movement. tells meaning of music through movement.

Statue dancing

shape of statue. if statue were to come to life, how would it move? ted shawn's cosmic dance of siva.


use of borrowed elements to create new work. borrow from popular culture or other aspects of visual culture. original remains accessible without change. can be misinterpreted or offensive. exposure to alternative culture.

Martha Graham

theatrical dance pieces utilizing sets, sculptures, music and dramatic narratives. used historical figures and greek mythology. universal emotions and conflict.

Graham's Theories of Psychology

concept of unconscious. universal, primal emotions to create movement.

Doris Humphrey

fall and recovery" are foundation of technique. skill with spatial design and musicality. forms and patterns. principles of nature related to movement.

The Art of Making Dances

article by humphrey. symmetry is lifeless. 2D is lifeless. eye faster than ear. movements slower and weaker on stage. dances too long. good ending is 40%. monotony fatal. contrast. don't be slave or mutilator to music. don't be arrogant. don't intellectualize.

katherine dunham

combination of modern, caribbean, west african and ballet.


african god was strong, iron will, determination to bring things about. possessed, serpent gestures.