Dance Final Exam

Who is Isadora Duncan?

Isadora Duncan is the first modern dancer

What are the dates that Isadora Duncan danced?


Was Isadora Duncan a trained ballet dancer?


How did Isadora Duncan feel about pointe shoes, costumes, and vocabulary?

too confining

What movements did Isadora Duncan use?

Hopping, skipping, and swaying

What inspired Isadora Duncan?


Where/who did Isadora Duncan most commonly perform at/for?

performed in salons of society women and Art supporters

Where did Isadora Duncan perform in?

Europe, Greece, Russia

What did Isadora Duncan do when she founded dance school in different countries?

trained "Duncan dancers

Who was married and formed Denishawn School in L.A?

Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn

When did Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn form their dance school?


What culture did The Denishawn School most influenced by?

Asian cultures

Did The Denishawn School have a specific technique?


What did the Denishawn School teach?

Ballet, spanish, irish, egyptian, greek, folk (eclectic blend, but with no speciality)

When did Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn divorce?

in 1931

When did Ted Shawn do after the divorce took place?

formed an all-male dance company

Name a Denishawn student

Martha Graham

What was Martha Grahams opinion on ballet?

That ballet was too rigid and Denishawn was too eclectic

When did Martha Graham give her first independent show?


What was the year that Martha Graham established a school and company?


Originally Martha Grahams school was all female, when did she add men to the mix?


What was the name of Martha Grahams company?

Graham Company

What themes does the choreography address? (Graham Company-TODAY)

Psychological drama, Greek mythology, American pioneer spirit

What is the movement system based on? (Martha Graham-Graham Company)

contraction and release of center

What dance did Charles Weidman do?

On My Mother's Side

What is the relation between Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman?

Doris Humphrey was both a student and teacher at Denishawn, and Weidman was a student.

Who worked with Ruth St. Denis on "music visualizations"?

Doris Humphrey

What was Humphrey/Weidmans movement system bas on?

fall and recovery; emphasis on balance

Who was Erick Hawkins married to?

Martha Graham

When did Erick Hawkins and his wife divorce?


What was Erick Hawkins movement system based on?

ease and free flow of movements

What dance is Erick Hawkins famous for?

Plains Daybreak

What dance is Jose Limos famous for?

The Traitor

What is Jose Limons technique?


Where was Jose Limon a student of?


What was Jose Limons work influnenced by?

his Mexican-American heritage

What two dances was Alivin Ailey known for?

Revelations and Witness

When/Where did Alvin Ailey form his own company?

in the 1950's in New York City

What types of dance did Alvin Ailey combine?

Modern, jazz, and world dance

Who was Alvin Ailey a student of?

Lester Hortan

What did Alvin Ailey want dance to be?

accessible to audience

When did Tyla Tharp begin her career?

1960's during the post modern period

What was Twyla Tharp very involved in?

avant garde movement

What did Twyla Tharp transition to and from?

Transitioned from avant garde to mainstream

What does Twyla Tharps company blend with what movement forms?

ballet, jazz, tap, and modern

What is Merce Cunningham famous for choreographing?

Points in Space

When did Merce Cunningham begin his career? What is he known for being?

1953; known as the father of postmodern dance

What does the term "chance" mean?

flipping of a coin, not knowing at all what the song is going to be

When did Trisha Brown start her own compnay?


What dance did Trisha Brown choreograph?

Man Walking Down Side of Building

Where did the Judson Church Group perform?

they performed in "non-traditional" spaces

When did the JCG get disbanded? And what did the member continue to do?

Disbanded in 1968; member continued to collaborate under the name...the grand union

Where was the Judson Church?


What is indeterminacy?

choreography changes at each performance...ex: Field Dances

What is avant garde?


What is Savion Glover?

re-popularized rhythm w/ Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk

Honi Coles

credited with creating high speed rhythm tap

Bojangles" Robinson

popluarized tap in his TV appearances with Shirley Temple

Tap: Characteristics

1. very improvisational 2. Blend of Irish Step and African dance 3. Tap shoes of two taps on bottom: toe tap and heel tap

Where does Jazz Dance originiate back to?


Slaves: Jazz Dance

performed dances for enjoyment, entertainment, and competition