Essential terms for basic Biblical studies: Bible 101

(the Holy) Bible

the book that contains the writings (66 books) that Christians recognize as the written word of God


sacred; pure; separated from the secular or the profane; refers to God's total uniqueness from his creatures


sacred writings or books; passages from sacred writings; the Bible


a numbered group of words in a chapter of the Bible


covenant; an agreement, especially between God and mankind

(the) Old Testament

the first part (39 books) of the Christian Bible, corresponding to the Jewish Bible


the language in which the Old Testament was written; the language of ancient Israel; also a person from there

(the) New Testament

the second part (27 books) of the Bible; it tells you about the life and teachings of Jesus and about his followers


the language in which the New Testament was originally written

the heavens

the sky; the universe


God's home


God's messengers that live with Him in heaven


any act or thought that is against the way God wants us to be and separates us from Him


a way to make up for a wrong act; a covering of sin


the most powerful enemy of God and all people; also called devil, serpent, evil one, prince of this world, tempter, accuser, prince of demons (evil spirits), deceiver, and father of lies; he will be defeated and destroyed at the end of time


try to get someone to do something wrong


God's judgment on something evil


to ask divine care or protection for; to make successful or happy

(the) ark

the kind of boat Noah built to prepare for the Flood (this photo shows one in Hong Kong; for more information, see


the male head of a family or tribe; any of the early Biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race


the father of faith in God


Abraham's son that God promised to give him with his wife, Sarah; he became the father of Jacob


son of Issac; father of the 12 tribes of Israel


when Jacob wrestled with God, his name was changed to this name; the ancient kingdom (and modern state) of the Hebrew tribes at the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea


capital and largest city of the nation of Israel


sign of the special covenant God made with the Israelites; a removal of the foreskin of male children, usually 8 days after birth


a departure, usually of a great number of people; a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment; the second book of the Bible, named for the exit of the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt


The English translation for one of the Hebrew names meaning "God" (Yahweh); "I am who I am"; appears as LORD (capitalized) in most English Bible versions


title of the ruler of Egypt




a servant who is owned by his or her master


anything that causes many people to suffer


a feast in memory of God's deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt


refers to bread (flatbread) made without yeast so it doesn't rise


the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelite slaves from Egypt across the Red Sea on a journey through the wilderness


a large area of land where few (if any) people live

the Ten Commandments

the set of rules that God gave Moses to tell how his people should live; the most famous of the 613 laws in the Torah (the Jewish book of laws), found in Exodus 20

(the) Ark of the Covenant

a special wooden chest containing the Ten Commandments, a pot of manna, and Aaron's rod; this showed the Israelites that the LORD was always with them

(the) Tabernacle

A portable tent where the Israelites worshiped the LORD


a statue or image of a god that is made by people and then worshiped as if it had the powers of God in a person's life; anything or anyone we worship instead of the one true God

(the) Sabbath

A weekly day of rest and worship set apart by God


sexual union outside of marriage; unfaithfulness


to want very much something that isn't yours


special food given to the Israelites from heaven during their 40 years in the wilderness


people who tell others what God wants them to say, often things about the future


words that God speaks through people; often these are predictions about the future


a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made


noun: something given up for the sake of another; an offering to a god; verb: to give up something for another; to offer something of value to a god


one who offers sacrifices to God on behalf of (to represent) other people


an offering to God of a tenth part of some personal income


conversation with God


so be it; I agree


the response of a person that acknowledges the greatness of God and renders signs of submission, reverence, and love to him


Praise the LORD


the power, beauty, greatness, and importance of the LORD; a bright light that comes from God


eating very little or abstaining from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline


to put oil put on someone's head; this shows that God has chosen the person for a special task

(the) Psalms

book of poems, prayers, prophecies, and praises


a very important king of Israel; a forefather of Jesus; author of many of the Psalms

(the) Temple

built by David's son, Solomon; a copy of what is in heaven; consisted of the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies (which represented God's presence on earth)

(the) Messiah

God's chosen (anointed) one" - the awaited king of the Jews; this term is derived from the Hebrew language

(the) Christ

God's chosen (anointed) one" - the awaited king of the Jews; this term is derived from the Greek language

(the) savior

deliverer; a person who rescues you from harm or danger; Jesus' name comes from this word in Hebrew

(the) Son of Man

Jesus' favorite title for himself, used 84 times in the gospel accounts (the first four books in the New Testament)


to tell people about Jesus and how to live for Jesus

(the) Gospel

The "good news" about Jesus

John the Baptist

a preacher and hermit and forerunner of Jesus (whom he baptized)


the Christian rite of initiation, involving immersion in water or sprinkling with water


a follower of Jesus


short stories with moral lessons; Jesus used them to teach about the Kingdom of God


the religious leaders in Israel at the time of Christ; most of them opposed Jesus and arranged his execution


people who pretend to be what they are not or better than they really are; "two-faced" people; Jesus called the Pharisees this


the opposite of pride; the attitude of someone who is not proud; a necessary attribute for a Christian


a descendant of the ancient Hebrews


a half-Jew, hated by full-blooded Jews


people who are not Jews; people that do not know God


people who believe in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings


a record of descent from one's ancestors


signs, wonders, or events which transcend the laws of nature and can therefore only be attributed to divine power; when Jesus did these, they served as proof that He is the Christ


a gift from God that helps us to believe and trust in him


to say that you have done wrong things


to feel sorry for what one has done or has failed to do; to turn away from sin


kindness, especially God's kindness


compassion shown to those over whom one has the power or the opportunity to help them or forgive them


the state of being free from sin and restored to friendship with God


virtuous, moral, guiltless, justified


the place of everlasting suffering and separation from God


to kill by nailing to a wooden cross

(the) Lamb of God

the One that died for us as a pure sacrifice for our sins

(the) resurrection

the bodily rising of Jesus from the dead, as he had foretold, on the third day after his death on the cross and burial in the tomb; because of this, Christians have the hope of also rising from the dead when Jesus returns


one of the followers of Jesus who preached and spread his teachings


letters in the New Testament which were written by apostles


the apostle that wrote many of the New Testament epistles

(the) church

the people of God; the "body of Christ;" the "bride of Christ;" the gathering of God's people (and in common usage, the place where they gather)

Holy Communion (the Eucharist)

when Christians eat bread and drink wine to remember Jesus and what He did for us (see 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)

(the) flesh

the soft tissue of the body: mainly muscle tissue and fat; meat; the part of us that prefers the pleasures of sin rather than obeying God; our sinful nature


the mind, will, and emotions of a human being

(the) Holy Spirit

another name for God; God's Spirit that Jesus sent to help people; also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Helper; He is a person, but not a human; he is God, equal with God the Father and with God the Son

(the) Judgment

the time when God will look at what everyone has done and how they responded to His offer of salvation and give them rewards or punishment

(the) Kingdom of God

God's reign over everything and everyone


lasting forever