American History OL V1 Part B Final Study

After the Civil War, the southern economy was primarily


Who was President Lincoln's Vice President and the seventeenth President of the U.S.?

Andrew Johnson

________ was the Massachusetts Senator who fought for civil rights for blacks during the Johnson years?

Charles Sumner

Which of the following laws kept freed blacks oppressed in the South?

Both a and b (Black Codes & Jim Crow)

Which of the following Constitutional Amendments guaranteed due process for all citizens?


Which of the following was a term used to identify members of Congress who felt that presidential reconstruction was too lenient?

Radical Republican

Which state had disputed votes during the election of 1876?

South Carolina

________ was a term given to northern republicans who moved south after the Civil War.


Farmers who rented land to farm were called

tenant farmers

Which of the following was a government agency that was charged with providing assistance to former enslaved people and poor whites after the Civil War?

Freedmen's Bureau

Which track of the Transcontinental Railroad began in Sacramento, CA?

Central Pacific Track

Where did the final two tracks of the Transcontinental Railroad meet?


What railroad tycoon was know for consolidating railroads?


What act required farmers to farm for at least five consecutive years?

Homestead Act

What abundant resource was used to make homes on the prairie?


Who founded the Grangers?

Oliver Kelley

______ was a meat supplier who went into show business.

Buffalo Bill

Which of the following was the main economic activity of the plains region?

All of the above (Farming, Mining, Ranching)

What was the land set aside for Native American removal called?


Which of the following pieces of legislation served to break off the communal nature of Native American land ownership?

Dawes Act

______ contributed to the second Industrial Revolution.

All of the above (Factorization, Mass production, coal)

What is the process of turning raw materials into products?


Power looms revolutionized the _______ industry.


By 1900, about how many women and children worked in factories?

7 million

Owners of cotton mills provided their young workers with

All the above (wages, food, discipline)

He improved the carbon filament in the light bulb.

Lewis Latimer

Who devised plans to improve industrial efficiency?

Frederick Taylor

What is a document granting rights to an inventor called?


When a person has ownership in a company, what do they have?


Which of the following is a reason people invested in companies?

All of the above (could, own a piece of a company, lose what you put in, make more money)

Who was considered a Captain of Industry or Robber Baron?

All of the above (John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, John P. Morgan)

Who sold the corporation that became United States Steel Corporation?

Andrew Carnegie

He organized the Standard Oil Trust.

John D. Rockefeller

Horizontal integration means to

Consolidate companies that produce the same thing

What occurs under the theory of social Darwinism?

The fit will compete and succeed

Which of the following acts ended spoils?

Pendleton Civil Service Act

______ was assassinated by a disgruntled man wanting a job

James A. Garfield

What is an informal alliance with business owners who produce a similar product called?

Both a and b (Cartel, Vertical integration)

In which industry is a paper mill employee classified?

Manufacturing and mechanical

Which of the following statement(s) is true?

all the above ( Women held positions on the railroad, The number of women who worked on the railroad more than quadrupled between 1870 and 1890, Only 62 women were classified as railroad workers in 1870)

What is the economic theory that is the opposite of capitalism?


What is the percentage of people who held most of American's wealth in 1900?


Which of the following were reasons for wanting government control of the railroad and large production entities?

All of the above (economic gap between rich and poor, low wages, monopolies)

During economic depressions

Some employers lowered wages

What was the average wage per hour in 1900?


Who lead the American Federation of Labor?

Samuel Gompers

This more radical union included Socialist party members.

Industrial Workers of the World

Which of the following were reasons for collective bargaining?

All of the above (low wages, working conditions, job security)

What union supported members affected by natural disasters?

Farmers' Alliance

Which strike were the Pinkertons called to end?

Homestead Strike

What action signified the end of the Civil War?

The signing of surrender papers in Appomattox, Virginia

Which of the following acts established the Department of Agriculture?

Morrill Land Grant Act

Who built a large steel corporation in the 1800s?

Andrew Carnegie

The Pinkertons were called to put down this strike.

Homestead Strike

Over __________ Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War.


Who invented light switches?

Thomas Alva Edison

Which group did Samuel Gompers lead?

American Federation of Labor

The Freedman's Bureau

All of the above (Distributed food to former enslaved, established schools for former enslaved people, provided assistance to poor whites)

Out of what material did many of the pioneer families in the Plains States build houses?


In 1860, where were most factories located?


Supporters of a laissez-faire form of government believed that government regulation of business would

Harm economic growth

The Radical Republicans wanted Lincoln's reconstruction plans to include

A guarantee that African-American Southerners would have equality with whites

Which union included many socialists as members?

Industrial Workers of the World

Which of the following people went south looking for opportunities after the war?


Buying up businesses at each phase of the manufacturing process is called

horizontal integration

During industrialization, what was Lowell, Massachusetts known for?

cotton mills

Which statement supports social Darwinism?

The most talented people will come out on top

Which of the following was used to legalize discrimination against African-American Southerners?

Black codes


All of the above (allowed the mass productions of goods, improved manufacturing efficiency, provided many jobs)

Who wrote an account of her life as a female factory worker?

Harriet Robinson

Whose theories improved industrial efficiency?

Frederick Taylor

Under the Contract Labor Act manufactures

deducted money from workers to pay off passage to America

Why were monopolies used?

To gain a competitive advantage

What group of people rented land to farm?

Tenant Farmers

Which of the following terms means farm building or a place to store grain?


______ replaced waterpower to run factories.


In which of the following fights did American soldiers kill more than 200 Sioux?

Wounded Knee Massacre

Whose steelmaking process allowed it to be mass produced.

Henry Bessemer

The "New South" included

Plantations and factories to process the crops

What were people who bought stock in companies called?

Both a and b (Investors & Shareholders)

What was the railroad track that began in Omaha, Nebraska and traveled West?

Union Pacific Railroad

What are informal business alliances among owners who manufactured similar products called?


What were Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt called?

Robber varons

What is socialism?

All of the above (The antithesis of capitalism, a command economy, government controlled productions)

Why did Leland Stanford and Thomas Durant become rich men?

All of the above (They received government land to build railroads, they received $48,000 in bonds for each mile of track built,they used cheap labor)

Who was the cowboy that mapped a trail between San Antonio, Texas and Abilene, Kansas?

Jesse Chrisholm

_____ made money in the banking industry.

John Pierpont Morgan

Many people established farms under this federal bill.

Homestead Act

Who built the Standard Oil Company?

John D. Rockefeller

In the late 1800s, most American wealth was held by what percentage of Americans?

Less than 10 percent

Explain why the Homestead Act was attractive to settlers.

Under the Homestead Act settlers received 160 acres of land for a ten-dollar fee. They had to build a house and live on the land at least six months out of the year. The act allowed them to get a piece of the American Dream with little money.

Describe how most Americans viewed socialism in the late 1800s

Most Americans opposed socialism because it was a threat to their personal lifestyle.

Explain the theory of a free market system.

Businesses decided what to produce and how to price it in a free market system. Competition and supply and demand controls price.

Describe the growth of the workforce in 1890.

The professional services industry and the manufacturing industry gained the most workers. The railroad industry also grew.

Between 1880 and 1920, about ________ immigrants came to the United States.

10 million

The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by


Which of the following was a location for immigration depots?

All of the above (New York, Texas, Philadelphia)

Which of the following was an organization that wanted federal legislation to control immigration?

Both a and b (American Protective Association, Immigration Restoration League)

Which of the following pieces of legislation created a new Mexican Border District?

U.S. Immigration Act of 1907

Many who lived in poverty moved into


The repeal of this legislation kept employers from recruiting foreign workers.

Contract Labor Act

What jobs were classified as professional?

None of the above

Some professional organizations

All of the above (Excluded women, kept professions safe, excluded immigrants)

Which of the following laws banned Asians who were not citizens from owning farm land?

Webb Alien Land Law

Why did African-Americans migrate to northern cities?

All of the above (Escape Jim Crow, find jobs, find their American dream)

In what industry did most African-Americans find jobs?

Domestic Services

Who published the book The Philadelphia Negro?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Which form of transportation made it possible for people to move to the suburbs in the late 1800s?

All of the above (Subways, trolleys, cable cars)

What were low-cost apartment buildings commonly called?


City public services were paid for by

Tax Money

The boss of a political machine

All of the above (controlled a voting block of immigrants, made money for the machine, took money from contractors)

What was it called when groups organized to back a political official?

Political machine

Where did the settlement house movement begin?


What was the first Chicago settlement house called?

Hull House

The public school taught

Literacy skills

Which of the following were reasons for the increase in higher education opportunities?

All of the above (Scientific advances, technological advances, increased population)

Which of the following is a women's college?


Who believed that economic security should be placed ahead of integration?

Booker T. Washington

Which of the following was a popular women's collegiate sport?


Which of the following men wrote fictional novels?

L. Frank Baum

This legislation regulated railroad rates.

Interstate Commerce Act

Whose U.S. Treasury spending habits preceded a late 1800s depression?

Benjamin Harrison

The Populist party platform included

All of the above (An eight-hour workday, silver standard for currency, income tax)

Which of the following was a Populist party candidate?

Both a and b (James B. Weaver, William Jennings Bryan)

Which of the following is true about imperialism?

All of the above (Imperialism and expansionism mean the same, Strong nations acquire weaker nations, This was demonstrated by the Spanish-American War)

Which of the following are reasons for U.S. imperialism?

To open new markets

The United States showed its position as a world power when it settled a dispute between which of the following nations?

Great Britain and Venezuela

Which country is geographically closest to the United States?


Which of the following is a reason why the United States entered the Spanish-American War?

All of the above (imperialism, explosion on the U.S.S. Maine, American sentiment to enter war)

Who led the U.S. Navy during the Spanish-American War?

George Dewey

_____ is a document that established naval bases in Cuba.

Platt Amendment

Which of the following was U.S. territory after the Spanish American War?

All of the above (Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico)

Which of the following people was a Hawaiian pineapple planter?

Sanford Dole

The Panama Canal

All of the above (was dug on land owned by Columbia, shortened the shipping route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, was not at sea level)

The assassination of _________ was one of the triggers for World War I.

Archduke Ferdinand

What country allied with Austria-Hungary during World War I?

All of the above (Germany, Italy, Turkey)

At the beginning of World War I, the United States

Stayed Neutral

What weapons were used during World War I?

Machine guns

Which of the following battles occurred at the end of World War I?

Battle of the Argonne Forest

President Wilson's Fourteen Points after WWI included

All of the above (Boundary adjustments, ways to oversee international conduct, a League of Nations)

The Treaty of Versailles

Included a 33 million dollar bill of Germany

Wilson's League of Nations

Was designed to ensure security

What country was not allowed to join the League of Nations?

None of the above

What did the War Industries Board do?

Managed the purchase of military supplies

During the late 1800s, where did most immigrants come from?

All of the above (Russia, Romania, Italy)

Where was the first person admitted to Ellis Island from?


Who published the sensationalized yellow journalism?

Joseph Pulitzer

The United States entered World War I using __________ to protect supply ships.


For which of the following professions did bar associations set standards?


Which man headed the Tammany Hall machine?

William Tweed

The Dingley Tariff

Raised Taxes on foreign goods

This is when strong nations acquire weaker nations to increase economic and political strength.

Both a and b (Imperialism, expansionism)

German U-Boats sank the _________ during World War I.


Which of the following was an African-American college?

Tuskegee Institute

In 1896, who ran for president as both a Populist and Democrat?

William Jennings Bryan

____ shortened the trade routes between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The Panama Canal

Which of the following is the name of a musical variety show?


Legislation was passed in 1882 to exclude which of the following groups from becoming citizens?


Most African-Americans who settled in northern cities during the Great Migration found jobs in which industry?

Domestic services

Radcliffe, Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Wellesley are

Private women's colleges

What led to a resurgence of manifest destiny in the late 1800s?

All of the above ( a need to open new competitive markets to sell goods, a need for access to more natural resources, an increase in military strength with the building of new battleships)

Which of the following was included in the Central Powers during World War I?


Which of the following groups of workers lived in poverty?

Unskilled workers

What was a popular women's sport in the late 1800s?


What did the United States do early on during World War I?

Stayed Neutral

This group lobbied the government to enact legislation to control the immigrant population.

American Protective Association

Many poor immigrants living in cities moved into


Which of the following is the adaptation of the European game Rugby?


Professionals established associations to

All of the above (Set standards for the profession, give stamps of approval to professional status, exclude blacks and immigrants)

The United States established a stronger naval presence after the Spanish-American War by

Establishing navel bases in Cuba and Hawaii

_____ replaced waterpower to run factories.


Many immigrants in urban cities

All of the above (Clung to the values of their home country, had values that clashed with American values)

Which of the following events led to the Spanish-American War?

Cuban rebellion against Spain

This photojournalist took pictures of people in tenement houses.

Jacob Riis

What were people who bought stock in companies called?

Both a and b (investors & shareholders)

Which group of people settled in northern cities as part of the Great Migration?


_______ were established to advance knowledge in agriculture and agricultural technology

Land Grant institutions

Which of the following boards was set up to manage the purchase and distribution of military supplies during World War I?

War industries board

Which organization provided services to the poor?

Hull House

Whose foreign policy was called dollar diplomacy?

William Howard Taft

What statement best reflects Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

We need to ensure democracy while ensuring peace and security

Which of the following terms refers to a group of people organizing to back a candidate for city office?

Political Machine

During which World War I battle was Paris saved by Allied forces?

Battle of Chateau-Thierry

Who founded Hull House?

Jane Adams

World War I introduced the following deadly warfare techniques.

All of the above (Machine guns, tanks, poisonous gas)

What impact did mass immigration have on the United States after the Civil War?

After the Civil War, business and industries hired many foreign-born immigrants. The American culture diversified. Cities and anti-immigrant sentiment grew. Poverty and the problems associated increased.

What was the Interstate Commerce Act and why was it important?

The Interstate Commerce Act required railroad companies to set rates that were proportioned to distance traveled which helped to break up unfair business practices.

What did Wilson's Fourteen Points propose?

Wilson wanted to adjust boundaries to give Austria-Hungary's ethnic group a country. He proposed free trade, open agreements, and a reduction in arms. He also proposed the formation of a League of Nations.

These people uncovered political corruption and unsafe working conditions using journalism.


Who exposed the Standard Oil Trust in articles written for McClure's magazine.

Ida Tarbell

This text exposed the horrors of the meatpacking industry.

The Jungle

Progressives wanted

None of the above

He supported progressive reforms as governor of Wisconsin.

Robert La Follette

This gave voters the right to decide if a bill or legislative amendment should be passed.


Which act strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission?

Hepburn Act

Which act protected labor union activity from being considered a monopoly?

Clayton Antitrust Act

What state extended suffrage to women before 1920?


What Constitutional amendment gave women the national right to vote?


_______ is an antonym of temperance.


Reasons for the Temperance Movement include which of the following?

All of the above (Social order would be restored, Wages would not be spent in saloons, Domestic violence would decrease)

Which of the following legislation passed to support the Eighteenth Amendment?

Volstead Act

Al Capone was convicted of

Tax evasion

During prohibition, where was it was legal to produce alcohol?


The Red Scare was the fear of


He set up raids to search for Communists.

Mitchell Palmer

The Espionage Act allowed the government to

Limit free speech

Who prosecuted John Scopes?

William Jennings Bryan

Which of the following was legal in Tennessee in 1920?

Teaching creationism

Who wrote the African-American National Anthem?

James Weldon Johnson

_______ was the African-American cultural rebirth during the 1920s.

Harlem Renaissance

He painted realistic scenes.

Edward Hopper

Lifestyle changes during the 1920s include

All of the above (changes is dress, changes in literature styles, changes in youth culture)

The National Broadcast System

Is affiliated with radio stations

The Jazz Singer" was

The first film with sound

________ homes bought radios in the 1920s.

14 million

How many people attended movies by 1930?

90 million per week

The flapper represented

All of the above (a style of dress, a more liberated woman, the changing role of women)

What did the National Woman's Suffrage Association become after passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

League of Women Voters

An economy built upon people's ability to purchase goods is called a

Consumer economy

In 1927, companies spent over _____ in advertising dollars.

1.5 billion

Which of the following is true regarding Henry Ford's cars?

All of the above (were affordable, had interchangeable parts, were mass produced)

What was the largest industry in the United States during the 1920s?


The avoidance of economic and political alliances is called


Who was the Secretary of the Treasury during the Coolidge administration?

Andrew Mellon

The scandal involving giving oil-drilling rights to private companies was called

The Teapot Dome scandal

What was the business attitude of Calvin Coolidge?


Buying stocks on margin means to

buy stocks with credit

Most Americans earned

under $2,000 per year

What occurred on October 29, 1929?

All of the above (Stock market crash, Black Tuesday, Beginning of a Depression)

After the stock market crash, banks

Lost money and closed

______ is the Gross National Product.

The total value of goods and services produced annually

Which of the following are Dust Bowl state(s)?

All of the above (Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri)

Who wrote the Grapes of Wrath?

John Steinbeck

Herbert Hoover set up this entity to provide businesses loans.


What was the name given to a group of veterans who congregated at the White House to ask for their bonus?

Bonus Army

Which entity ensured bank deposits of up to $5,000?


The Social Security Act provided regular paychecks to

unemployed people

Critics of the New Deal felt the program

All of the above (did not protect the wages of women and African-Americans, set minimum wages lower that actual wages, limited individual freedom)

Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, and Ida Tarbell were


Which of the following was a rebellious group who tested traditional norms?

youth culture of the 1920s

During Prohibition, what were illegal bars called?


Which of the following was a bill passed to ensure that farmers made production costs back when crops sold?


This government office was set up during the FDR administration to regulate stock prices.


Who was a Progressive reformer who became governor of Wisconsin and a U.S. Senator?

Robert LaFollette

_______ instituted special forces to arrest alleged Communists.

Mitchell Palmer

An assembly line process allowed cars

All of the above (to be the same, to be produced quickly, to be produced cheaply)

Who was the leader of the National Woman's Party?

Alice Paul

Which statement declares the ideology of the Progressive Movement?

We need greater government regulation to protect children, the poor, and unskilled laborers

Which of the following was the largest U.S. industry in the 1920s?

Automobile Industry

Who was a Farm Services Administration photojournalist?

Dorothea Lange

Who exposed the ills of the meatpacking industry in the book The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair

Which of the following is a popular women's style of the 1920s?


Which of the following organizations did Frances Willard lead?

The Women's Christian Temperance Association

Which piece of legislation made it illegal for railroad or shipping companies to use rebates as a way to control price?

Elkins Act

What was the name given to shanty towns in the Depression Era?


What occurred after the Eighteenth Amendment passed?

Organized crime took over the distribution of alcohol

Who wrote realistic fiction about the lives of the wealthy and materialistic people of the 1920s?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

A(n) ________ is democratic rule that allows voters to petition state legislatures to consider a bill.


The Teapot Dome Scandal affected the Presidency of

Warren G. Harding

The Volstead Act was passed to support which Amendment?

Eighteenth Amendment

_______ are Christian Traditionalists.


Which of the following was a popular method of purchasing expensive goods during the 1920s?

Installment plans

Which of the following statements would most likely be made by suffragists during the few years preceding 1920?

There is room in the boting booth for women who care for households just as there is room for men in their positions

_______ was a poet and playwright of the Harlem Renaissance.

Langston Hughes

Which industry grew during the 1920s?

All of the above (Advertising, Automobile, Household goods)

What was the name given to the bill in which FDR wanted to add Justices to the Supreme Court to support his programs?

Court-Packing Scheme

This organization published books and pamphlets supporting national suffrage.

The National Woman's League

The Red Scare was fear of


________ commercialized radio by broadcasting movies and sports scores.


This backfired during the Hoover administration because European nations also raised taxes on European imports.

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Who defended John Scopes in the Scopes Monkey Trial?

Clarence Darrow

________ is an on margin purchase.

Buying stock on credit

Hoover believed

Americans would find economic relief if business was stimulated

The ________ was founded by W.E.B Du Bois and white progressives.


To which of the following parties did the presidents of the 1920s belong?


Presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt

All of the above (Wanted a new deal for the American people, wanted to set up federal aid programs, wanted the federal government to play a role in social welfare)

What event does Black Tuesday mark?

Great Crash

Which of the following words describe the work of John Sloan and Edward Hopper in the 1920s?


Why were some people critical of FDR's New Deal?

They believed it did not protect the wages of women and African-Americans. It set minimum wages at a rate lower than what most people made. It limited individual freedom.

How did the Social Security Act help Americans?

The Social Security Act provided regular paychecks to retired workers, people who were unemployed, dependent children, and the disabled.

Why did the Great Crash move the U.S. economy into a long depression?

The Great Crash occurred on October 29, 1929 when over 16 million shares of stock were sold and the stock market lost over 30 billion dollars and fell more than 100 points in one day.

What was the difference between Herbert Hoover's and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's government philosophies?

Hoover believed that government should support industry which would in turn support the individual by strengthening the economy, whereas Roosevelt believed that government should also serve to directly protect the welfare of the people.

Why was the Harlem Renaissance an important period in American History?

Hoover believed that government should support industry which would in turn support the individual by strengthening the economy, whereas Roosevelt believed that government should also serve to directly protect the welfare of the people.

Who rose to power in Germany during the 1930s?

Adolph Hitler

_______ was known as a Fascist leader in Italy during WWII.

Benito Mussolini

Who was the leader in Japan who advocated war with the United States during the 1940s?

General Hideki Toyo

He served as the American President during World War II.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

What term means "lightning war"?


_______ is a system in which the government has complete ownership of the land and property.


What was implemented by the United States in which the President had the authority to provide aid to any nation whose defense was in jeopardy and served as a threat to American national security?

Lend-Lease Act

Which of the following terms means to join or attach?


Who was responsible for moving the American Pacific Fleet from San Diego, California to Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian islands?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following was a major cause that led to the United States' involvement in World War II?

Attack of Pearl Harbor

Which of the following was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain that eventually served as a model for the United Nations?

Atlantic Charter

He led a successful military campaign in Egypt.

General Bernard Montgomery

Who served as the Army Chief of Staff under President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

General George Marhall

What was considered the turning point of World War II in the Eastern Front?

Battle of Stalingrad

Who was an early supporter of the Western Europe invasion?

General George Marhall

Which of the following was a massive invasion off of Normandy on June 6 1944?


Which of the following was a meeting between Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill to discuss the postwar world?

Yalta Conference

The counterattack made by the Germans in Belgium and Luxemburg in December 1944 was known as the

Battle of the Bulge

Who promised to support free election in certain districts of Germany?

Joseph Stalin

Even after the Germans surrendered, the Allied forces were concerned about

The Japanese

The attack on ________ was considered the second major attack by the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

Clark Field

Who served as the Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific during World War II?

Douglas MacArthur

________ led the United States to construct an atomic bomb.

Albert Einstein

What was considered a major turning point for the war in the Pacific?

Battle of Midway

This term refers to suicide bombers from World War II.


What was the name of the first naval battle that relied completely on air power?

Battle of Coral Sea

Ultimately, what led the way for Allied forces to attack Japan?

Battle of Okinawa

Which American President was the first to drop an atomic bomb?

Harry S. Truman

Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?


From the beginning, General MacArthur encouraged

Liberating the Philippines

What federal agency was created in 1943 to coordinate issues related to war production?

Office of War Mobilization

Which of the following was NOT a method of boosting the American economy during World War II?

Wildcat strikes

What were the remote and barbaric locations used to house Japanese living along the West Coast of the United States during World War II called?

Internment camps

What group established in 1942 had the goal of ending racism?


What was issued as a means of increasing the number of Americans paying taxes?

Revenue Act of 1942

Who headed the United Mine Workers during World War II?

John Lewis

Who was an American civil rights activist during World War II?

A Philip Randolph

He served as Secretary of Interior during World War II and negotiated a deal with the United Mine Workers.

Harold Ickes

All of the following were true regarding women during World War II EXCEPT:

government provided them with incentive programs such as free child care and ration books

The _______ served to manage complaints regarding job discrimination.

Fair Employment Practice Commission

What event took place in November 1945 involving Allied nations and twenty-four Nazis were accused of committing war crimes against humanity?

Nuremberg Trials

Which of the following were issued in 1947, declaring the United States would support nations being threatened by communism?

Truman Doctrine

What was the belief held during the cold war regarding neighboring countries all falling victim to communism known as?

Domino theory

What meeting was held in 1945 between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, where postwar Europe was the priority?

Yalta Conference

_______ was the result of the Soviet Blockade during 1948-1949 and brought air support from the US and British forces.

Berlin Airlift

Who were the secret police in Germany that ensured Jews obeyed laws?


_______ was created in 1949 with the purpose of its members agreeing to protect one another against armed attacks.


Launched by the Soviets in 1957, _______ was the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth.


Which of the following was introduced in 1947, stating that the United States would provide economic aid to Western Europe?

Marshall Plan

Which of the following referred to the theory of isolating or resisting the spread of communism?


What was a type of warfare that was introduced by the Germans during World War II?


What was the military alliance that formed between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1955 called?

Warsaw Pact

Which of the following was a naval battle that signaled the turning point in World War II in the Pacific?

Battle of Midway

Which term refers to when a government has complete ownership of land and property and individuals lack personal rights?


Which of the following was implemented in 1941 in which the President was authorized to provide aid to any nation whose defense was believed to be in jeopardy?

Lend-Lease Act

What served as a foundation for the United Nations?

Atlantic Charter?

The _______ was established in 1942 to assist in the transition from a peacetime to a wartime economy?

War Production Board

Who served as President of the United States from 1933 to 1945 and was best known for his New Deal program and role during World War II?

President Roosevelt

The _______ was a historic meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.

Yalta Conference

Which of the following was a source of revenue that helped fund World War II?

War bonds

_______ was a Fascist leader who rose to power in Italy during the 1920s.

Benito Mussolini

Who served as leader of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II?

General Eisenhower

Which of the following was the last major battle fought during World War II between the United States and Japan in 1945?

Battle of Okinawa

Which of the following men was a physicist who left Germany and influenced Roosevelt enough to build an atomic bomb?

Albert Einstein

_______ housed individuals of Japanese descent living within the United States during World War II.

Internment camps

Who was the leader of Great Britain during World War II?

Winston Churchill

_______ were created during World War II by the Nazis for the purpose of mass murder.

Death camps

This was the alliance that formed between Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.

Axis Powers

Under this form of government, citizens can own property, but needs of the nation override the needs of the individual.


Who served as the Army Chief of Staff during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration?

General Marshall

Which of the following was introduced as a means of increasing the number of individuals who paid income tax?

Revenue Act of 1942

_______ was a civil rights activist who planned a march on Washington in an effort to secure jobs for black Americans during World War II.

A. Philip Randolph

_______ introduced the idea of containing communism.

George Kennan

Who subscribed to the idea of the domino theory affecting Korea?

President Eisenhower

Who was the German leader of the Nazi party who rose to power in 1933?

Adolph Hitler

_______ was the first naval battle in history that relied solely on airpower?

Battle of Coral Sea

The belief held during the cold war that if a country fell to communism, its neighboring countries could easily do the same was known as what?

Domino theory

Passed in 1944, this legislation assisted veterans in buying homes and paying for college

GI Bill

What was the top secret program by the United States during World War II with the purpose of building an atomic bomb called?

Manhattan Project

What term referred to the hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union that evolved following World War II?

Cold War

Who was high-ranking state official who left office suddenly and was later accused of being a Communist?

Alger Hiss

Created in 1941, this government agency was designed to prevent inflation.

Office of Price Administration

What legislation was passed by Congress during the late 1930s and prohibited the United States from supplying weapons or monetary support to nations at war?

Neutrality Acts

Which of the following took place during World War II in which Germany launched a massive counter attack against the Allied forces in the West?

Battle of the Bulge

What was the agreement signed by Churchill and Roosevelt in 1941 that outlined their goals and objectives for the war?

Atlantic Charter

What was created with the sole intention of dealing with individuals living in the United States that were of Japanese descent?

None of the above

Which of the following was created as a means of stopping future labor strikes during the war?

Smith-Connally Act

What Congressional Committee investigated communism in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s?


_______ was a dictator who led Germany and the world into World War II. He committed suicide in 1945.

Adolph Hitler

_______ refused to give up his/her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.

Rosa Parks

Explain the evolution of the cold war.

USA - USSR, First to launch a satellite and land on the moon

Describe the impact that women made during World War II.

Men being drafted into the war meant women started kept industries running

Describe the transition American society made upon entering World War II.

More women started seeking employment instead of staying home

Identify the causes for the Korean War.

This was a conflict between Communist and Democratic nations largely