Public Speaking Test 2


a browser feature that allows a user to save a URL for future reference


A site that works by offering the user ever-more-specific categories of information from which to select

Search Engine

A web site that works much like a traditional card catalog or index, allowing access to the World Wide Web through a subject or key word search


An item in a list generated as a result of a search of the Internet

Boolean Search

An advanced Web-searching technique that allows a user to narrow a subject or key word search by adding various requirements


the collection of books in a library

card catalog

a file of information about the books in a library; may be an index-card filing system or a computerized system

periodical index

a listing of bibliographical data for articles published in a group of magazines and /or journals during a given time period

full-text database

an indexing system, available on the World Wide Web or on CD-ROM, that provides not only bibliographic data but also full texts of entries

newspaper index

A listing of bibliographical data for articles published in a newspaper (or group of newspapers) during a given period

Preliminary bibliography

a list of potential resources to be used in the preparation of a speech


a story or anecdote that provides an example of an idea, issue, or problem a speaker is discussing

brief illustration

an unelaborated example, often only a sentence or two long

extended illustration

a detailed example

hypothetical illustration

an example that might happen but that has not actually occurred


a word picture of something


a statement that makes clear how something is done or why it exists in its present form or existed in its past form


a statement about what a term means or how it is applied in a specific instance

definition by classification

a "dictionary definition," constructed by first placing a term in the general class to which it belongs and then differentiating it from all other members of that class

operational definition

a statement that shows how something works or what it does


a comparison between two things

literal analogy

a comparison between two similar things

figurative analogy

a comparison between two essentially dissimilar things that share some common feature one which the comparison depends


numerical data that summarize facts or samples

primary source

the original collector and interpreter of information or data

secondary source

an individual, organization, or publication that reports information or data gathered by another entity


a statement expressing an individual's attitudes, beliefs, or values

expert testimony

an opinion offered by someone who is an authority on a subject

lay testimony

an opinion or description offered by a nonexpert who has firsthand experiece

literary quotation

an opinion or description by a writer who speaks in a memorable and often poetic way

chronological organization

organization by time or sequence


arrangement of ideas from least to most important

topical orginization

organization of the natural divisions in a central idea according to recency, primacy, complexity, or the speaker's discretion


arrangement of ideas from the most to the least important


arrangement of ideas from the simple to the more complex

spatial organization

organization based on location or position

cause-and-effect organization

organization that focuses on a situation and its causes or a situation and its effects

problem-and-solution organization

organization focused on a problem and then various solutions or a solution and the problems it would solve

soft evidence

supporting material based mainly on opinion or inference; includes hypothetical illustrations, descriptions, explanations, definitions, analogies, and opinions

hard evidence

factual examples and statistics


a verbal or nonverbal signal that a speaker is moving from one idea to the next

internal preview

a statement in the body of a speech that introduces and outlines ideas that will be developed as the speech progresses

internal summary

a restatement in the body of a speech of ideas that have been developed so far


an audience's perception of a speaker as competent, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and dynamic


an illustration or brief story

rhetorical question

a question intended to provoke thought, rather than elicit an answer


the quality of a conclusion that makes a speech "sound finished

preparation outline

a detailed oultine of a speech that includes main ideas, subpoints, and supporting material, and that may also include specific purpose, introduction, blueprint, internal previews and summaries, transitions, and conclusion


use of geometric shapes to sketch how all the main ideas, subpoints, and supporting material of a speech relate to the central idea and to one another

standard outline form

numbered and lettered headings and subheadings arranged hierarchically to indicate the relationships among parts of a speech

delivery outline

condensed and abbreviated outline from which speaking notes are developed

speech to inform

a speech that teaches others new information, ideas, concepts, principles, or processes in order to enhance their knowledge or understanding about something


the art and science of teaching children


the art and science of teaching adults