Kinn's Medical Assistant - Ch. 46 - Assisting in Pulmonary Medicine

Vocabulary Review
1. apnea

absence of breathing

2. atelectasis

collapsed lung

3. dyspnea

difficulty breathing

4. empyema

accumulation of pus in the pleural space

5. hemoptysis

expectoration of blood

6. hemothorax

accumulation of blood and fluid in the pleural cavity

7. hypercapnia

greater than normal amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood

8. hyperpnea

deep, rapid, labored respiration that may occur because of exercise or pain & fever

9. hypoxemia

low level of oxygen in the blood

10. othopnea

person must sit or stand to breath comfortably

11. pleurisy

inflammation of the parietal pleura, causing dyspnea and stabbing pain

12. pneumothorax

collapse of the lung as a result of the collection of air or gas in the pleural space

13. pyothorax

collection of pus in the pleural cavity caused by infection

14. rhinoplasy

plastic surgery to repair or alter the structure of the nose

15. rhinorrhea

excessive drainage from the nose

16. tachypnea

abnormally rapid rate of breathing

17. thoracotomy

surgical opening into the thoracic cavity

18. tubercle

a nodule produced by the tuberculosis bacillus

19. bifurcates

divides from one into two branches

20. chronic bronchitis

recurrent inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchus

21. pulmonary consolidation

in pneumonia, the process by which the lungs become solidified as they fill with exudates

22. tracheostomy

a surgical opening made through the neck into the trachea to allow breathing.

23. virulent

exceedingly pathogenic, noxious, or deadly.

Skills and Concepts
1. abnormal dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles that may lead to COPD


2. tiny hairlike projections lining the respiratory tract that trap particles and move these unwanted substances up and out of the system.


3. chronic tissue hypoxia can lead to an abnormal enlargement of the ends of the fingers is called


4a. Explain the process of ventilation. b. Include the action of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles

. Air is inhaled into and exhaled out of the lungs. We inhale oxygen rich air through our nose and mouth to the larynx and trachea, into the bronchi, which divide into the bronchioles, and into the alveoli. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged and ca

5. label the following drawing with these anatomic landmarks: anterior, posterior, and midaxillary lines.
1. anterior line
2. midaxillary line
3. posterior line

6. On the following figure, label the structures of the respiratory system, head, and chest.
1. Respiratory centers
2. Pharynx
3. Esophagus
4. Mediastinum (space occupied by the heart)
5. Right lung
6. Diaphragm
7. Sinuses
8. Nasal conchae
9. Tongue
10. E

7. Label the lobes of the lungs on the following figure.
1. right superior lobe
2. right middle lobe
3. right inferior lobe
4. left superior lobe
5. left inferior lobe

8. List the signs and symptoms of sinusitis.

pain & pressure in the forehead and face
upper jaw & teeth discomfort
pain between eyes

9. Identify the medications that are used to treat allergic rhinitis

OTC treatments
: Sudafed, Zyrtec, fexofenadine hydrochloride
Prescription antihistamines
: Singulair
Steroid nasal sprays
: Flonase, Nasalcrom

Fill in the blanks
10. ____________ cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for both men and women in the United States.


11. A positive ___________ reaction indicates the possibility of active or dormant tuberculosis or exposure to the disease.

purified protein derivative (PPD)

12. _____________ is a noninvasive method of evaluating the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood, as well as the pulse rate.

pulse oximetry

Match the following occupations with the associated lung diseases.
13. __________ Stone cutting or sandblasting


14. ___________Insulation and shipbuilding


15. __________Coal mining


16. Define the four tests used to diagnose TB.

a. chest x-ray
b. skin test (Mantoux)
c. sputum culture
d. blood test (QFT) QuantiFERON-TB Gold test

17. Discuss the difference between latent and active tuberculosis.

a. Asymptomatic
b. Not infectious
c. Positive purified protein derivative (PPD) test result
d. Normal chest x-ray studies
e. Negative sputum culture
a. Symptoms include cough for 3 weeks or longer, chest pain, hemoptysis, fatigue, weight los

18. Discuss how tuberculosis is treated

CDC recommends: 4 drug regimen - INH, RIF, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol - daily for 2 months; then reduced to 2 drugs of additional 4 - 7 months, depending on sputum culture outcomes.

19. Explain what happens during an asthma attack and how the patient should be treated.

broncho spasms trap air in the lungs
while the inflammatory response creates edema
and causes secretion of mucus in the constricted bronchioles.

20. You are responsible for teaching a patient how to use an inhaler. Explain the procedure.

1. Shake the canister vigorously and place it into the mouthpiece device.
2. Open your mouth and hold the inhaler approximately 1 inch away. (If the patient places the mouthpiece in the mouth, the gas propellant causes the drug to bounce off the back of t

21. List six signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.

a. excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
b. persistently loud, disruptive snoring
c. snoring, choking, or gasping sounds while asleep
d. episodes of breathing cessation during sleep
e. dry mouth or sore throat on awakening morning headache
f. morning

22. Carcinoma of the __________ is pathologically linked to smoking and chronic alcohol consumption.
