Chapter 5 today's medical assistant


Little hairs on the cell membrane


#of chromosomes in the human cell

Active transport

The process that moves substances across or through a membrane and does not require cellular energy

Anatomic position

The standard reference position for the body


The movement of substances from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration


Division of the cell at the end of mitosis to form two separate daughter cells

Elastic fibers

Fibers composed of elastin that have a stretching quality


Connective tissue cell that produces fibers


The microscopic study of tissues


A normal stable condition in which the body's internal environment remains the same

Human anatomy

The scientific study of the functions of the human body and its parts

Human physiology

The study of the shape and structure of the human body and the relationship of its parts


A large phagocytic sell that cleans up cellular debris and foreign particles from the tissues

Mast cell

A connective tissue cell that produces heparin and histamine


The type of nuclear division in which the number of chromosomes is reduced to half the number found in the body cells results in the formation of an egg or sperm


The total of all biochemical reactions that take place in the body


The process by which the nucleus of a body cell divides to form two new daughter cells each identical to the parent cells

Negative feedback

A response mechanism of the body in which a stimulus initiates reactions that reduces the stimulus


Cell located in nervous tissue that provides support for neurons


A nerve cell


The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane


A mature bone cell

Passive transport

The process that moves substances across or through a membrane and requires cellular energy


The end golfing destruction of foreign particles such as bacteria


The formation of vesicles to transfer fluid droplets into a cell also called Cell drinking


A group of cells with a similar structure that are specialized to form a certain function


A cartilage cell

Sex levels of organization of the body

Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, body system, and total organism

Four main types of tissue found in the

Epithelial, connective muscle, and nervous

What makes up an organ

Two or more tissue types that form a more complex structure and work together to form one or more functions

Examples of organs

Skin, heart, ear, stomach, and liver

What makes up a body system

Several organs that work together to accomplish a set of functions

Examples of body systems

Nervous system, digestive system, and respiratory system.

How does the body maintain normal blood pressure using a negative feedback mechanism?

When blood pressure decreases below normal, body sensors detect the deviation, and initiate changes that bring the pressure back within the normal range.

What is the function of the plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane separates the material outside the cell from the material inside the cell

What are organelles

Little organs, small structures in the cytoplasm

What is cytoplasm

A gel-like fluid inside of the cell

What substances are dissolved in the interest cellular fluid of the cytoplasm?

Electrolytes, metabolic waste product, in nutrients such as amino acids and simple sugars

What is the function of the nucleus?

To direct the activities of the cell

Where is the nucleolus located

Within the nucleus

What is the function of the Golgi apparatus

Packages products for secretion and forms lysosomes

What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum provides a path to transport materials from one part of the cell to another

What is the function of the mitochondria

They convert energy from nutrients into ATP. Major site of adenosine triphosphate synthesis

What is the function of the nucleolus?

To produce ribonucleic acid and combined it with protein to form ribosomes.

What are the two methods the body uses to reproduce cells?

Mitosis and meiosis

What happens during interphase

Metabolism this is usually the longest period of the cell cycle

What occurs during prophase

The first phase of mitosis

What happens during metaphase

Chromosomes align themselves along the center of the cell

What happens during anaphase

The centromeres separate so that each chromatid now becomes a chromosome

What happens during telophase

After the chromosomes reach the centrioles at the ends of the cell a new nuclear membrane forms around them

What are the five stages of mitosis

Interface, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

What is exocytosis

The process where the secretory products in Cell that are packaged into vesicles by the Golgi apparatus and then are released from the cell

What is a gamete

Cell that give rise to the eggs and sperm

What is a somatic cell

Assault in the body that produces mitosis

What does a tendon do

It connects muscle to bone

A goblet cell or epithelium

Golgi apparatus

What secretes mucus

A goblet cell or epithelium

Which cavity houses the brain

The cranial cavity

What is the Cell Control center

A nucleus

Midsagittal plane

Divides the body into right and left halves


Sperm tail

What is known as the cartilage Cell


What has the same concentration as RBCs

Isotonic solution


Towards the front


On or near the surface

Brain, spinal cord, and nerves

The nervous system